Well, no, there is some catch up gear via badges, if you have a raider on retail or vanilla you might be able to use that to get in a guild. There is usually space for 1of each spec.
yeah that’s the correct approach, paladins get a mount speed bonus, so you can compete with herbs better than anyone else against the third world gold farming hordes in outland lol.
Nobody is playing old world azeroth content sadly, you got a big old grind to 58 to go, so you can get into outland and start playing there. Then you can find groups.
Pvp has been grade A cancer since vanilla launch in classic wow, its a haven for min maxing sweaties who pay to win, so you might struggle to have any fun doing that at any point really.
yes it’s too late. you’re behind the wave of players and will be doing the grinds before endgame with a diminished number of people, making it take longer
Not sure what it’s like there, but if you are able to find a guild that allows you to invite others, are active, and regularly form groups, you can probably build a leveling community for yourself in a couple of weeks.
That’s more or less what I’ve been doing, and have run almost every leveling dungeon multiple times, since I’m only dungeon leveling (except Deadmines and Stockades).
LoL! It is absolutely not too late. I’ve been having tons of fun, and enjoying leveling with our leveling community, that is really starting to come together after a couple of weeks of putting in a little effort.
The idea here is that if you form community while leveling, you’ll have people to gear up with. Our current dungeon running community gained 50+ new members yesterday, and more than 20 so far today, and we’re growing. It seems a lot of people want to run dungeons!
But yeah, for those of us who are getting closer to max-level, we’re looking at pre-bis farming together, and starting up a Kara group within the next couple of weeks. We’ll see where we go from here.
I want to say no it isn’t, but unless you are planning to place on one of the big three… I’m going to have to say yes. With no one wanting to run dungeons or heroics and only raid logging… catching up might be a pain, but it you want to go through that you can catch up considering a lot of phase 1 bis for a lot of classes are crafted gear.
It’s probably too late if you want to go fast. If you’re alright playing casually you won’t have any problems. Unfortunately these games and releases work best in waves. I told people months ago if you don’t level up with the main sweaty group youre not going to have the best time. When TBC-C released if you kept up with the pros you could expect super fast pug dungeon clears that respected your time in a way that casuals wouldn’t understand. Now most of the skilled players have either quit or just log in twice a week to raid log and do nothing else. At the beginning of TBC launch you could have gotten into the groove of finding fast boosters to get your blood elf to 60 ASAP and then cruise along with the other casuals to 70 as a tank or healer. But now you’re basically solo playing 6+ days (24hr/ea) to catch up. Then finding non-heroic dungeon groups will be a chore, most don’t bother anymore. At least you can get into Kara at 68 now so you have a shot there if you’re a healer. Most kara gear gets destroyed anyway so you’ll catch up quickly enough. But those six days bruh… better crank some long playlists. After that you’re good to go.