Balance Druid Experience not good So far

Honestly, i don’t see dot dmg increase due to them nerfing dots in general in SL. It feels like they don’t know how to balance dots so they rather push away from it.

For boomkins I think this is fine, Their dmg should be focused on their burst abilities instead. The issue is… that this is also not the case lmao.
I remember when starfire hit like a truck when it crit.

AP generation is horrid. needs to be improved by a lot imo.

If I were to change things while keeping eclipse idea:

  • Remove the cast Wrath or starfire to enter into Eclipse.
  • Allow sunfire to have a chance of procing Solar Eclipse and Moonfire to have a chance to proc Lunar eclipse.
  • The same goes for Starfire (lunar) and Wrath(Solar).
    • Also make it so the more you cast starfire or wrath in a row, the higher the chance for its eclipse to proc.
  • Allow starsurges to Proc both.
  • Allow Starsurges to EXTEND the duration. (have a cap on this if needed)
  • Rework one of that bad legendary to work with this system
    • make it so the chance for moon and sun fires proc the eclipses increase. Prob would like to add that the chance for shooting star procs to increase as well.

Shooting Stars: more astral power gained form it, i can’t feel atm. More dmg plz.

Solstice -- needs longer duration.

New moon – make baseline Period.

  • replace this talent slot with new talent (don’t be lazy blizzard).

Twin moons - > Lunar rush.

  • make it hit everyone in a certain yd radius instead of just one extra.

Make Moonfire and Sunfire generate more astral power

  • lol 2 astral power so sad.

Starlord – allow it to refresh the buff or gives us a different talent imo.

Soul of the forest – wrath give it more generation. Starfire give it more burst damage instead of area effect dmg. Maybe allow its critical dmg to hit hard at least – So base dmg isn’t affected but if you land a crit, I’ll hurt like it used to.

Heart of the wild – No.

  • Lower to the cd to two min. (question mark)? Or last 20 - 30 sec and cd is 1m.

Return old swiftmend.

i honestly wish solarbeam was a lower cd. 45 sec instead of a min?

Typhoon’s cone range is weird and clunky at times the closer they are on you. Make it wider imo.

  • effect is so boring. Make bird or Fae wings appear behinde druids back, flapping harshly as it casues typhoon like winds to blow from it.

It would be cool if Celestial Guardian Pvp talent enhanced the AFFINITY you picked. Not only bear form

  • Bear: while in bear form, you take 10% less damage from spells and receive 20% increased healing.
  • (New) Celestial Affinity – Guardian: you take 10% less damage from all sources and receive 20% increased healing.
  • Celestial Affinity - Restoration: Mana pool & mana regen increase and reduced mana cost of healing spells.
  • Celestial Affinity - Feral Affinity: Critical strike dmg and haste increases by a flat amount?

So you have ether more Defense, More dmg, or more sustain.

These are some ideas. I can go crazier if i wanted to.