Is it too late for change

is it too late to receive big gameplay changes, 1 month before the release of the expansion?
Or is it just tuning at this point?

Likely were at the “Lets just see how she flies” stage and blizzard is hoping it works out.

I would say there is probably going to be minor changes and updates as we move from Prepatch to Shadowlands on the level of coefficients and minor number massaging. That said… I also think Blizzard is focusing almost entirely on their systems upon systems upon systems of borrowed power to balance things now. Covenants and conduits are a shytshow at the moment, and need to be fixed in a month.

They will (in my opinion at least) probably hold off on major changes until a bit after shadowlands launches and people start flocking to the OP covenants, legendaries, builds and conduits and eschewing the failures.

Guardian, at least, doesn’t become VIABLE (I almost typed in good, but stopped myself) until they get a legendary shoved into them:
so they need us to level up and access the borrowed powers for a while before they can alter the other borrowed power to balance the first borrowed power or the other borrowed powers that affects the first borrowed power so that our borrowed powers can be balanced to the borrowed powers of the other classes whose borrowed powers will themselves be altered by different borrowed powers which will themselves need to be altered…

Remember when we just picked talents, earned better gear, and didn’t farm-AP-and-call-it-gameplay?

Alternately they could just completely ignore representation balance and feedback. That would be easier.


Its not to late for change and an UNDO like they did with Shamans.

In fact they are still doing crazy changes to classes – example, the recent buff to shadow priest.

The community here needs to ramp up their posting on feedback. Especially the balance druid side, which feels almost dead like if they gave up.

Trust me, they have options at their disposal, but if we allow them to slide away, then nothing will happen.


I still dont get it why they put back eclipse since mostly no one liked that mechanic.


i love the visuals for sure. I think this is something that should stay.

It think the mechanic is fine in it itself, but not with this current form of wow. its too outdated. Needs to be changed.

I gave ideas on my post. I copy and paste it here…

Here is ideas that i gave up.

The mech i made will do as follow:
Eclipse won’t just have a dot proc chance.

They will proc from – Sunfire , moonfire, Wrath, Starfire, Starsurge.

  • Sequential cast of ether wrath or starfire can increase chance of causing the eclipse to activate.
  • Starsurge can proc both and extend the durations.

You have multiple instances of procing and some level of control. Since dots don’t do dmg anyways, choose which dot you want to focus or rather have a higher chance of procing – Ether lunar or solar .

Starsurge can proc both and extend the durations of your eclipses.

TBH, this systems will allow you to have eclipses up very often and for a long duration.

It would be nice if the Lunar and Solar moon animations begin to phase out visually on the side so you can see when your eclipses are running out.