Just…let her be. Please. Her character was dragged through the mud for far too long as it is.
It will never be time.
It would be amusing if they stuck her in the maw running around random locations and folks could actually run into her down there.
Bring her back! WoW’s story is a meme anyways. Might as well bring back that amazing VA
Hopefully she goes as long as Illidork did between his well earned demise and his not at all forced resurrection. It is already bad enough her story got utterly trashed with her redemption arc instead of letting her die in the raid. Could’ve even been a final gut punch ending too with her whole “I’ll never serve” coming back full force as she takes her final gasps realizing she’s been a servant puppet all along…and there is no disney happy ending. A pitiful end to an arguably tragic and despicable character.
But she’s traditionally attractive and plenty of boys will simp for her so she’s worth money for Blizzard instead of having narrative integrity.
H to the E to the L to the L NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
They probably will bring her back for Midnight. Can’t imagine a better time than the well being in danger yet again.
It will never be time. May she rot for eternity in the maw.
If they bring her back, I imagine it’ll be around this time period of WoW. Assuming Midnight will be as elf-centric as people speculate it will be, and especially if the remaining Windrunner sisters are also important to its story, I could see them bringing her back to unite the trio.
ALLERIA is mine!
she better not. im done permanently then. its a garbage look that looks like it was spat out by an ai with the veressa windrunner as void alleria prompt. the only true and acceptable alleria look is this:
I was kind of running this warrior through BFA’s campaign to catch up on that rep (SL and BFA came at a busy time in my life) and let me tell you. The campaign for BFA is pretty solid.
Warcraft could use a little more grit, I say bring her back.
Just have Saddam’s voice in my head reading that lol.
only if i can smell the inside of her boot
how dare youj. alleria will not permit this.
Look, I will always love Sylvanas. Is she complicated, yes. Is she hard to figure out oh yes she is. But here’s the thing she always had her motives, and yet I know not everyone loves her but she has her loyalists and I hope when they bring back whether in the next expansion or Midnight, I hope she gets a better story and gets to interact with the loyalists.
Plus they have hinted she’ll come back and don’t forget we’re getting a Sylvanas mog as well.
Hopefully it doesn’t take too long before Alleria and Vereesa become grandparents-- although it would be entertaining to see her become a dangerous great aunt.
yeah elves dont really physically age in wow.
Sylvanas is not my problem any more. That’s the absolute limit of my ability to forgive.