Is it time?

I think the closest we see is Lor’themar but perhaps that’s the effects of consuming fel when it was necessary. :robot::thought_balloon:

After seeing Varian’s old warrior armor go into the caah shop, I feel pretty confident that her mog set will be about $20-30.

I think she’ll be back by Midnight, though.

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I miss the old sylvanas, straight from the go sylvanas

but yeah, I don’t know if I really want her around to say how sorry she is and be cringe. I miss being the bad guy. :frowning:

The thing is he had white hair from the get go so it might just be a side effect of the beard (but also he’s like millenia old at this point) - then again he and Alleria are about the same age

Also do Alleria and Sylvanas count as cradle robbers, is the Arwen age gap meme applicable here?

Those of you that pine for her return; you do realize that she won’t be the same ‘Dark Lady’ she used to be, right?

Oh sure, she’ll probably still be a melodramatic emo…but her most recent lore reveals that the ‘lighter side’ of her soul was returned to her. That means the days of malignant schemes and murderous intent are behind her.

Hey, you know? Sure. Bring her back. I look forward to the salty tears that will result from the introduction of a ‘nice’ Sylvanas, heehheeheh…

Like I’ve said, I think some forsaken players might be okay with a healed Sylvanas, but I think her main appeal would end up being (barely) the belf/velf ranger crowd at this point (and barely so given all the story baggage it took to get a “Sylvanas gets to heal” thing) - she’d basically be Velonara or Delaryn as an a-list character

username checks out