Is it time?

an orc with a stick wounded sargeras

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Technically that was a super duper magic stick in the shape of an axe that can cut anything lol

And people can name him and his brother

it was, like his daughter weapon - thura.

weapons with magic, artifacts, and a warrior is not just a person with a stick, but someone with a lot of battle experience and strategist

what iam saying is : its not a problem to be an angry orc with a stick

I am not saying an orc with a stick cant be written to do cool things.

Only that its always very lame.

“Where our army of demigods failed, this orc who can just swing a axe hard succeeded…due to PLOT ARMOR…or PLOT AXE”

There’s always Rexxar, but I think I would quit in protest if they hit him with the villain bat.

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he is like an warrior arms, the very description of the class and spc: a war master and strategist, with a weapon made by a demigod

i honestly dont think thats lame, if well writen we can have a lot of interesting and decent power level characters


and to be more fair, rokhan have hes mojo magic along with gadrin, jorin is killrog son and thura held the broxxigar weapon

rokhan magic matched lightforged draeneis in drustvar

I would assume she’ll stay gone seeing as Danseur is gone. He was the sole reason she was forced down everyone’s throats for so long. He’s probably in a dank apartment somewhere surrounded by empty pill bottles slowly crying himself to sleep squeezing his Sylvanas dakimakura.

I dont think its lame in itself. I think its lame for that to be the focus when we have other characters that could (with fair writing) make that same person disappear from existence.

In a vacuum? Sure. Thats awesome sounding.

When that same orc with a cool weapon is surrounded by walking nuclear bombs, people able to teleport at will, with armies, etc. I mean. Not as cool due to the power creep of other characters.

The story has to be written to basically make those other super weapons not be there. Like Jaina getting angry and running away.

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It’s inconvenient for the character to teleport all the time at any time, jaina was supposed to be dead in the battle of dazar alor, it would still be fair because rastakhan died too

the story has been written with powerful character acting like demigods (sylvanas and jaina) thats the problem , i still think we can have powerfull characters without making an absurd difference in power, but only in composition, for example, Jaina could defeat eitrigg with ease, but she would have a fair fight against rommath, as they are two mages

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But its not just sylvanas and jaina

Its khadgar. its alleria. its anduin.

Not even Talanji could put up a fight against Jaina. Rommath wouldnt last a second.

besides khadgar, they dont even make sense, sylvanas had ''bruh jailer powers" but the other ones dont, they’re not powerful as they should be

anduin always has screen time, but rommat hasn’t appeared since idk, mop? the horde has a lot of interesting characters who have no screen time at all, so how will the viewer know their power? It’s also easy to say that anduin or alleria would kill everyone in the blink of an eye, blizzard pretends that the horde is just thrall baine or whatever and wears clown suit ‘‘brutes with a stick guys’’ , when in fact it’s not like that, and I don’t blame people for needing to google who the hell gadrin or rommath is, blizzard doesn’t care about developing them, even zappboy no one remembers.
for example…

he had the sunwell power, a fire mage and powerfull according to tbc, but jaina appear everywhere teleporting everyone doing all and rommath…no one remembers him, he have 0 screentime, a character who had an incredible background and power…
he def could kill Jaina, but in the current blizzard, where there are people even considering a horrible character like sylvanas to ‘‘return’’… it’s easier for jaina and anduin to wipe out the entire horde (wich will make 0 sense)

Rommath drawing power from the Sunwell vs. Jaina would be a close fight, but I think Jaina edges him out by a hair.

Send her to the Plunderstorm. Tell her that she needs to be renown 400,000 and acquire 4 billion gold before she can leave

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


God, I hope not. I hate her more than anyone else in the series and I hope she’s gone for good. I don’t main horde but I’m still pissed that she got made warchief. She didn’t deserve to lead the horde and they deserved better.

Yeah she had a tragic backstory and, once upon a time, she may have been a character I could like. But now? She’s overplayed and overrated. Feed her to the dogs and move on.


Mine too. :kissing_heart:

Excuse you, I’m ready for generic farmer #3 from Elwynn Forest to finally get his time to shine!

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She’s in the Maw forever lol
Forsaken have to find a new gothmommy to base their entire identity on now.


I vote this one.

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Kill sylvanas.


I think she’ll come back for Midnight.