Is it time to get rid of PVP?

PvP is causing many issues with the current game the following are just a few examples

  1. Streamers using hyperbole for click bait titles to generate some forms of money to pay for that 1-bedroom apartment. (using words like oppressive, punch monk, AI bots)
  2. PVP toxic community at r1 level, even some that harass female (real) players asking for pics and weird requests
  3. Consistently mass reporting players and lying about the reason just to get them banned
  4. Nonsocial atmosphere during LFG, asking to be carried by saying they are higher ranked then what they actually are.
  5. Harassing legit players when they get outplayed during live streams
  6. Asking to nerf counter classes just so they can get to feel powerful
  7. Exploiting the queue system to win trade at night and odd hours just to keep other players from getting title spots

the list goes on , and this causes the game to no longer be fun to new players to pvp, PVE has a more social aspect due to being a coop situation from raids to mythic raids ( incoming omg they are so more toxic) but this stems from carried players getting kicked for obvious reasons ( not performing )

Is it time for blizzard to delete pvp to save WOW and really work on improving the player experience that only and MMO can bring?

Most players already saying they no longer have fun in arena or bg’s



Would be an F but sadly I can tell you actually tried really hard so there is some credit for effort.


It may suck but

I gotta know what happened here

Hard I’m not reading that vibes


Or god forbid the two people working in the pvp department at Blizzard have a “pvp discussion” with us once every two weeks to tell us what they are planning, what they are worried about, etc…

if they cant make grounding baseline because of pve…couple it with another pvp talent like burrow so we dont have to waste a point on it

Anyone have the tldr?

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PvP is not and has not been causing issues. PvP is the goodwill version of PvE so it’s literal hand me downs. I thought we knew this.

ive ran into way more toxic players 1500-1700 then i have at glad range 2400-2800


Why does this game have no positionals for pvp? Instead of turning pvp into a CC chain fest where you stun, silence, and fear the person to quickly spam your swifty macro and chunk off half their health as quickly as possible, how about adding side and back positionals? If I attack someone from the side or back it should have different effects and maybe do more damage.

Seems like the only way to kill someone is with endless CC chains that are not hard to get off in this game. There is literally no other way to kill someone unless the person is brain dead or undergeared. I’m not saying to rid the game entirely of CC, but add some other ways of “skillfully” doing big damage outside CC chains so not as much crowd control is needed.

DAoC is an example of pvp where positionals are important if you want to do big damage.

I think Grandpopjim hit the nail on the head.

Just finished my last BG in this game, and it was against another premade that didn’t really bother with the objectives. They just sat by the graveyard farming those who spawned.

For now on, I’m 100% just playing Blitz Brawls no matter how undergeared I am or how much I do not understand the class because it’s a nearly fresh level 70. If you get stuck on a team with one of my noob characters, tough luck. Blame yourselves for promoting “premades with friends” over the goodness of the game.

Right now I’m taking a fresh level 70 with a few pieces of honor gear into one. Should be fun because he’s a healer.


blitz has ilvl boost anyway def recommend it buy ah 2set trinket bonus and good to go

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there’s some sort of PvP rating evaluation when placing characters into BG blitz lobbies so I don’t see any reason to ever do random BGs unless you do wintergrasp for conquest. the other epics are garbage and generally a time sink in contrast to efficiency.

TL:DR is play your best in RSS, 2s, 3s or RBGS, and it reflects for BG blitz. this is not proven or published but it is confirmed in my experience.

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In every pvp game

In every pvp game unfortunately.

Don’t use lfg then? You can get all the rewards except 1 just from spamming solo queue

Every pvp game

Every pvp game

Yeah blizzard needs to do something about that.


DPS self healing…

yea, great idea for pve that ruined pvp.

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Dps self healing is bad in this expansion


M+ toxicidity is much much worse… and that happens at every level

And dont get me started on mythic raiding guilds


It’s time to get rid of low lvls posting in forums decicated to max lvl activities imo.

I’ve seen you post in a lot of threads. It seems like you hate this game and everyone that plays it. I strongly urge you to find a new hobby. Maybe take a break until the next expansion. If a video game isn’t fun, you probably shouldn’t play it.

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