Is it time to get rid of PVP?

Just got aimed shot for 590k and then 100k or more for each rapid fire shot from MM hunter in latest BG.

Still waiting on the MM hunter hotfixes, hopefully before account expires in 4 days.


So we need to get rid of pvp because…

  1. Streamers make Clickbait?
  2. People are toxic?
  3. People abuse the report system?
  4. ???
  5. Literally Reason #2
  6. Asking for balancing?
  7. People are exploiting?

This is why I don’t play at 3 am anymore. The weirdest stuff tends to happen and it makes you think if it’s win trading. I’ve only lost rating at that hour.

I win the most games at that time, lots of chineese people.

I loved how he specified the woman was real


Because of frustrating and unfun class design. And it is not like that PvE player in LFG content wouldn’t be toxic, so should we get rid of the game?

Pvp has never been wows strong suit and even trying to get into pvp is a nightmare, it honestly would be a better experience if they just stopped balancing pvp and focused only on pve (what wow does well), and if people wanta pvp they can deal with what it is, also means classes could get alot more fun abilities since pvp isnt a consideration.