Is it strange for a druid to be female?

and simultaneously they have one of the worst casting animations of any race

Shame you skipped over that post.

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Tera classes with race/gender locks are the following from my memory, and may have been updated since:

Reaper - Elin only ( A 100% female race option)
Gunner - Castanic F and High elf F, eventually expanded to include Elin
Brawler - Human F only, eventually expanded to include Human M
Valkyrie - Castanic F only.

They may have added more but I wouldn’t know anything about that at this point. They did also have some gender-locked races:

Elin, female only

Baraka and Poporri, Male only.

Elins weren’t male or female. Wink wink.

Yeah dude I don’t know a thing about the lore. They sure LOOK female.

Female night elf Druid is BIS :slight_smile:

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Female Night Elf druids are meta for PvP. Mostly because they are the best FCs, with Pally heals, but also because they can get through gaps that males cant.

Some people saying theres no different, are actually wrong. As a female Night Elf druid, you can jump through gaps in the fence in WSG, where no horde can follow, accept maybe Undead Female…

But, you might get banned lol

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Blizzard did a bad job on a lot of the male characters in Vanilla, and still to this day does a poor job, its unfortunate.

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Make both. Extra points if your Hunter is a LOTR pun.

10:01 PM 6/26/2020
I don’t see why it would be any more weird than being a male elf druid.

[This post is being unnecessarily censored by Blizzard until July 2nd.]