Is it strange for a druid to be female?

I can’t decide whether to be a night elf druid or hunter. Part of me wants to be a druid but I can’t tell if it’s strange being a female druid once I get later in the game. Does anyone think it will negatively affect me later on story-wise?

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Lore-wise, prior to WoW there weren’t any female druids. Once WoW hit, there were already female Druids - for a number of reasons, primarily gameplay - so no. It’s not really strange at all. Your race/gender also doesn’t have any impact on the actual game itself, so there’s no worry about being at a disadvantage.

Also female Night Elves are so much better than male Night Elves, so good choice!


no. the only choice for druid is female, male look idiotic and are usually trashcan players. same with hunter


Naw—female night elf druids are tight.

Druids are a very mobile class—that flippy night elf stuff makes it look even cooler. Plus I think they look pretty cool while casting. Story-wise it won’t effect you, but Shadowmeld isn’t as useful to a druid since you can already stealth (although there are still advantages of stealthing while not in cat form)…and the dodge racial is actually good for feral, but not so much for resto.


As stated lore wise female druids aren’t the norm, but WoW is a different situation. I play what I want. I played a male Night Elf druid from Vanilla to Cataclysm. Stayed in form 99% of the time because male Night Elf is ugly. I gender changed him in Cata and now my Classic is the same. Love the flips and gear just looks better on the female model. Play what you like!

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Thank you lol your right about that last part

False. Strictly False.

Night elf male dance is one of the single best dances in the game, and definitely the best dance on Alliance Side. The only possible competition is Male orc and Male troll.


It’s a fact. Strictly, it’s a fact male Night Elves are horrible.

Your only plus was a dance. Your argument fails.

Female Night Elves are infinitely better than male Night Elves. Undisputed fact.


Aesthetics matter. And nelf females ain’t got it. They look like an actress from an anti-eating disorder campaign.

They are just moonlight junkies. Kinda how the Belfs are also magic addicted junkies.

Male Nelf or bust, it’s the only way.

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If you think aesthetics matter and defend male Night Elves…


The first cinematic of the game showing night elfs is a female druid. They match perfectly into lore. Im totally not bias playing a female nightelf bear tank or anything.


Have you see the abs and thighs of Male nelfs? Jesus christ I would die for those.

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Have you seen that waist? It’s horrendously thin. Like female night elves.

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Female night elf druid is a 10/10. A puuurfect score :rofl:


You’re just jealous because they look better in a dress than you.

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I don’t agree.

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Have you seen the worst hands and feet in-game? The worst animations? Yeah, we can go on. Night Elf males are ugly. Period. :stuck_out_tongue:


Likewise, preWC3 I think all druids were Male. But something about a giant space demon being blown up on their tree made them reconsider that policy.

You should be fine lore-wise to be a lady druid in the current era of Azaeroth.

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Could you imagine the hate if certain classes were gender- restricted?

:bomb: :exploding_head:


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Warhammer did this if I recall correctly. And TERA had one that was race-specific.

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