Is It Safe To Say It's Not Just Nostalgia?

Haters do know that BFA is the only other option if people want to play WoW right? Classic is going to dominate.


I’m going to play it and enjoy it, like I play and enjoy retail. I don’t see the point in wanting to sew division between both games though.


You have to wait 1 year for the player base of classic to even out and the hype to die and then we can judge it.

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Why? BfA hasn’t even been out a year and we’ve already all decided it’s trash.


Any denial of Classics blatant and imminent success is just lingering blindness from being addicted to a character and not realising just how bad things have gotten, when people are playing collect the transmogs or low level pvp more then actually playing BFA content - Classic will push BFA and retail under the water and unless it fights for oxygen and drastically gets reworked it doesn’t take someone that can see into the future to know what’s in store for retail if it doesn’t.


Then those people can go back to playing Farmville. We don’t want that instant gratification in our MMOs. It’s ruining the genre for the sake of profit. And before you go they’re a company. I get it, but as the trend is proving those type of games don’t have lasting power. There’s a reason WoW has been running for so long and Activision’s model isn’t it. Hopefully the exodus from BFA has enlightened them on this fact.


World of Warcraft had over 100,000,000 unique accounts created a couple/three expansions ago and yet never had over 13,000,000 concurrent users.

Final Fantasy XIV passed 14,000,000 “registered players” in August 2018.

1,000,000 people spread across several years making an account to “experience” Vanilla and then leaving means absolutely jack. It’s the number of concurrent and steady players that matters. If 10,000,000 people pop into Classic for a month and leave you’ll have a dead game where you can’t do group content because there is no one to group with which leaves you with nothing else to do but alt.

Classic, if as successful as you guys hope, will only serve to fund continual development for Retail WoW. Because Classic is a fixed window into past WoW that will get no updates.


WoW and FF has many servers. Nostalrius was one. That’s pretty damn good for a single server.


I worked around in rural Texas for a while a few years back. Many towns only had either a Dairy Queen or a Whataburger. Therefore those fast food joints must be the most popular thing ever since those were the only places that people ate out right?


:thinking: what?

Are you saying Nostalrius was popular because it was the only one? It wasn’t… there were many servers like that.


Most of what you said is un-true. As you just said, you prefer to do “solo stuff”. Well in classic/vanilla you are right, you must have been super bored and thought you had nothing to do because you were being forced to play an actual mmorpg. The reason u enjoy current retail wow is because you never need to make a friend, you can just wait for queue pop, while you go solo your own raids and quest the storylines…

Vanilla was a classic mmorpg, the community’s, the pvp within the community’s, the drama, the everyone knows everyone so don’t ninja anything. Making friends through the dangerous world. Walking up to a quest that takes 4 ppl and everyone is praising the gods that you are there 4th and showed up after waiting 30mins… retail u can just pop up some windows and solve all of the above, or avoid it all together and reach max level, and as you so kindly pointed out, reach a nice gear level without having to play with anyone else let alone be in a guild.

Also mind you, in classic battlegrounds and grinding said bgs was an insane grind and is just another thing to add to your “there’s only 1 thing to do at lvl 60 list”.


You will never know until you tried it right? I’m am happy to see people enjoying the game again. I watched Venruki 's video on his thoughts towards Classic. I completely agree with what he said. Especially when he mentioned Classic feels much more engaging and that you do get to interact with other players much more so than current WoW.

I also enjoy watching people play the Classic beta more than retail especially the pvp vids lol. >.<


It’s not even properly in beta yet. You know what else people were convinced would be great in beta? Warlords.


Can we stop making these classic threads? I don’t care if you like it more than retail, I don’t care about how classic use to be, I don’t care how much better it might be, I simply just don’t care what any of you classic supporters have to say. Cause none of you have convinced me as to why it’s better.


Haha no. People complained and complained then were pissed when it went live.


The nostalgia I had about vanilla was washed away quickly when I played classic and remembered that for every one thing i liked about classic there were 10 things i didnt. More power to people who do like it. I hope they enjoy their time.


You should heed your own words. How am I butthurt? Because we don’t need 20 threads a day about the same topic? Because people piss and moan about multiple water strider threads, but it’s not ok to complain about multiple classic threads? I get it, you and many others are hyped and I think that’s great. I still plan on playing classic cause I never experienced it, but all this “hype” is starting to turn me away little by little.


An MMO should be all about options. There should be no “One True Way” to play,


Its not just Nostalgia but because of nostalgia. What i mean is a big chunk of people are going to continue playing it because they like the feeling of it while a big chunk are going to try it for nostalgia reasons. I think Classic will have a decently sized community but unlike to pass retail numbers like some want to believe.


As much as I agree with you, because I remember, and look forward to all of the little things people say we won’t like, it wont be safe to say this for at least six months after it launches, maybe even a year. People are always looking for that opportunity to “prove” someone wrong, or diminish others’ opinions, for no other purpose but to feel superior.