Personally, I don’t think twinking is good for the game.
Sure, you’re having fun – but it ruins the experience for everyone else playing the game normally who is unfortunate enough to be stuck in your group or heaven forbid in PvP on the other team.
You spend 15-20 minutes in a que to do a dungeon, and get into a group with a level 11 monk who is wearing full warforged gear oneshotting everything… and you don’t even get to play. You just follow one guy who is having a blast while everyone else just does nothing… and that’s if the guy isn’t trolling and pulling mobs that he isn’t tanking and just gets everyone else killed by collateral damage from randomly targeted spell casts.
It’s not how the game is intended to be played, that isn’t the experience anyone signed up for.
It’s even worse on the PvP side, some casual new person ques up for a BG expecting to have a fair shot at killing anyone… and they get into a BG and some guy on the other team is unkillable and basically oneshotting everyone… just permanently kills that new players desire to ever try that again.
So… yeah I get it that it’s fun for the twink… but I don’t think one person should be able to ruin the intended gameplay loop for 4+ others. The math doesn’t add up in my book.
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Unlike twinks, Australians actually want to play with other Australians.
I will say it once more-- because apparently being post #10 is too far down for most people to read-- You can twink at 70 by not purchasing TWW.
Because you have not turned off your xp, and are instead at the level cap for Dragon Flight, the game does not consider you to be “xp off,” and you are placed in the same pool with others that have xp on. The bracket is lively enough to have multiple games going at any one time.
They ended that particular brand of enjoyment shortly after Wrath, iirc.
I miss getting a Gurubashi trinket and the works on a 29 hunter and just blasting people all weekend long.
I’m almost afraid to ask, but what does this even mean?
Edit: Wait I thought about it some more. Do you actually mean captive as in “held captive” as in “forced to play with”? That’s not what “captive audience” means colloquially in English and confused the hell out of me lol
Please let me know I’m still not sure.
A captive audience is for one reason or another heavily disincentivized to leave. In WoW PVP you’re functionally a captive audience when your choices are to take a 30 minute penalty and quit, or play a game you physically can’t win because a twink wants an unfair advantage against people who are functionally defenseless against them.
I didn’t stop doing PvP because of something Blizzard did. I stopped because of people like you.
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Hard agree.
I did play a twink once, and it was fun, but no one wants to be one shot.
Twinking is like waiting forever to collect conquest drops. They are so tight fisted about things in the game they are passively saying YOU PLAY WOW OUR WAY AND NOT YOUR WAY!!! Heck no. I will play it my way or you will no longer get my money. If you make the game any more tight fisted against use again I will just leave just like that.
We dont get to pvp at 30, but we do get to run old raids. Everything from Molten core to Ruby Sanctum in Wrath. Its 21 raids and we usually run some in groups on the weekends. Its a chill time with the boys. We also host Dungeon tournaments once a season streamed on Twitch. Teams of 3 running best times in 4 different dungeons. We treat it like an Esport. Its all good fun and we usually have a 3 million gold prize pool and sometimes Blizzard gets involved with their own prizes. I cant share the discord link here, but look up Legacy Thirty on Thrall NA, or you can join our discord and check things out from our YouTube channel Legacy Thirty. 
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