Found the twink. Good riddance.
It’s hilarious to me that that’s what it always was to them when they swore it wasn’t about just one shotting people who were trying to enjoy pvp. They got what they deserved.
They were just doing what players do at max level, which is get good gear and smash stuff. Do you do max level PvP, where premades of level 80’s wreck unrated bgs for solo pugs? The problem was always premades of twinks. If they had been required to solo queue rather than run premades, it wouldn’t have been an issue.
Blizzard really needs to undo all of their anti-twink stuff. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the practice.
Players going into PvP with inadequate gear deserved to be one-shot.
When I used to twink, I would solo queue. People were glad to have someone on their team who knew who the dangerous enemies were so they could target call, who knew the bgs and could tell them what to do. Low level bgs are pointless for leveling now, they give so little xp. That and the fact that Blizzard decided to wreck bgs with party sync so players in BfA and Shadowlands could team up with other top geared players to farm low levels for the honor they were required to get for upgrades and legendary essences.
Blizzard has been doing a great job of destroying PvP fun from every possible direction. It’s amazing it still exists.

So um… i was thinking of something else.
Every time they mention twink… yeah me too.

Do you do max level PvP, where premades of level 80’s wreck unrated bgs for solo pugs?
No. I don’t. I’m glad they got wrecked by the system they pretended to want. It’ll always be funny to me.
I used to enjoy doing leveling and max level random BGs. After they completely nuked the exp from it, it killed my desire to pvp altogether. Guilds I’ve been in don’t even have Arena/RBG teams anymore. It’s sad because I used to love PvP from Vanilla all the way to MoP and even WoD a little, but it seems like it’s been neglected more than anything else in the game at this point.
All their “anti-twink” stuff was exactly what they always claimed to want, until Blizzard finally implemented it how they pretended to want it to be implemented.

The twink community is mostly dead. Twinking isn’t anything like it once was. The forum dwellers whined a lot and Blizzard destroyed it.
Hey now, I advocated for your own darned BG’s.
So you were just looking for an excuse to hate people who were playing the game. Got it.

All their “anti-twink” stuff was exactly what they always claimed to want, until Blizzard finally implemented it how they pretended to want it to be implemented.
I don’t have any idea what you think you are saying here. Most twinks played lots of characters in different brackets. They played a lot, but their numbers were not great enough to continuously fill queues in all bgs at the same time, which is how the queue system works.
Nobody needed an excuse to dislike people whose sole purpose for playing was to ruin the gameplay experience of other people. You might have a short memory of what they used to argue back before twinks got their own super special brackets when you disabled xp, but I remember it perfectly fine.
the moment that twinks realized that they only could face other twinks their queues “suddenly” died and some of them started to look in ways to bypass the system it was hilarious…
true twink intentions right there…
I do. Same places as before in SW and Orgrimmar, at least the last I checked they are in the same spot.

the moment that twinks realized that they only could face other twinks their queues “suddenly” died
Because the twink community isn’t as big as the bads thought it was. When you don’t have enough people in queue you don’t get a queue pop, kind of like how you guys cry about long queues for LFR.
Yeah, you can still twink.
In fact, my friend from Florida tells me twinks are really popular with her friends in Miami. Go figure!
Also I’m pretty sure some PVP tiers have folks who do old BGs with it.

The forum dwellers whined a lot and Blizzard destroyed it.
It took years for Blizzard to finally acknowledge it was a problem that was actively harming the community because some players felt entitled to a captive audience.
We’re still working on getting Blizzard to understand queue syncing is at least as bad for PVP.
Twinks went away for the same reason PVP serves and world pvp stopped, its only purpose was to grief players who didn’t stand a chance at fighting back.
That explains why pvp servers were the most popular servers.
There’s a lot of people in this thread who have no idea what they’re talking about.
Factually: Blizzard removed the ability to lock xp directly after this TWW launched.
So no, it’s not possible to twink any longer.