I am unsure how the new monster, instance, and gear scaling works with the level squish and Chromie time. Is it still possible to level lock to a specific level and twink different xpacs?
The most fun i’ve ever had was pre level squish I locked a character at 60 and just geared up in classic dungeons etc.
would love to do that again.
The twink community is mostly dead. Twinking isn’t anything like it once was. The forum dwellers whined a lot and Blizzard destroyed it.
Ime twinking mostly died out partway through Wrath. My hunter started out as a 49 twink and used to run circles around the majority of the level bracket, it was a great time and had different tactics than end game pvp because of the limited movesets. It would be cool if it made a resurgence if possible considering the squishes and the gear now available for X9 level toons, but I won’t hold my breath waiting.
You can make a twink on era
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I miss playing level 19 premades in WoD and BFA, and the level 39 revival xp off weekends in WoD too. Those were so much fun.
Gurubashi Surf Club represent!
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I actually run a legacy PvE Twink community. We are very much active and have been for 3 years now. Its not PvP, but its a nice change of face from max lvl PvE. I can invite you to join us if you are looking for that kind of thing. Legacy Thirty on Thrall NA. We raid almost weekly and host events.
So um… i was thinking of something else.
Anyway, i don’t think theres folks that twink characters anymore.
Nvm i stand corrected
Not too sure about pvp twinks these days, but on our end we have over 600 people. Its growing thankfully. Only thing we are missing is battlegrounds sadly but other than that its been fantastic.
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No, they killed it by preventing twinks from being in the same que as normal players in PVP. You can’t go into Bgs anymore and 1 shot other players, only other twinks - good luck finding someone for that btw, its a dead que. If you party with a twink in dungeons, they cause your XP to be reduced by 90% so no leveling carries either.
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Is Twinking Dead? My goodness-- You lot are uninformed.
The 70 bracket is quite lively, and that’s thanks to so many people having chosen to not buy TWW. Peak hours are between 6pm to 12am (est) where you can find multiple bgs going at any one time.
The catch, ofc, is that to participate in the long term, you cannot have TWW on the account you plan to twink on. As for gearing though, it can be fairly expensive if you are starting now on a fresh toon, with the best gear on the AH selling for a couple hundred thousand.
But, if you happen to have a toon in DF conquest gear (or possibly max ilvl myth track gear), you can certainly perform successfully in bgs with that.
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The twink community died when they were forced into playing solely against other twinks.
And nothing of value was lost.
Can you explain more? Nom pvp twinks? Raids? I would love to know what you mean, if it is what I think you are saying then I really really want to join
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True… I can understand. The fun was smashing people, and when you had to fight other twinks instead of blowing up noobs…I can see why it died lol… I was 15 years old with my level 19 twinks and felt powerful destroying people with no gear… I was such a tool 
I haven’t seen a twink in forever, made me forget it was even a thing… I am not effected by them really anymore but I’m glad they’re gone, ruined random BGs while leveling…
I think it’s more to do with the multiple ilevel and stat squishes than the anti-twink complainers really.
This 100%. I used to like making PVE twinks as well. Remember when MoP launched and there were a few ilvl 408 pieces usable at level 80? Fun times. The stat squishes destroyed that forever though. Nowadays the best you’ve got is turning off XP and ruling house in <60 RDF. Ideally <30.
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Instructions unclear, I found one in my walmart tho.
The twink community died when they were forced to queue only into twinks because there weren’t nearly as many twinks as people claimed. Players aren’t nearly as good as they think they are, they get killed in pvp and swore it was a twink. These bads even cried about twinks after twinks weren’t in their bg’s.
If region locks were a thing you guys would have dead queues also, nothing of value would be lost.