Is it normal to feel bad for attacking people in world pvp?

Exactly. All the OP would be doing is helping them enjoy the gaming experience which they chose to play.

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I used to that’s why I left pvp servers to play on pve servers. I just didn’t have the killer instinct and have that life and let live attitude. After a while it’s like what’s the point, plus my wife got ganked for the last time and rerolled, so I followed. hahaha

However. With the warmode toggle? When I flip that on I’m specifically looking to fight people. I will fight anyone and everyone. They have it on too so they are asking for a fight, so lets fight. If they are looking for the bonus only, well that’s on them, turn it off if they don’t want someone attacking them.

edit: So for me warmode is optional, so it changed my perspective a bit.

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Wait a sec OP, first thread I read about sympathy for others…then a few threads down I read about wanting revenge!

Hmmm something is not quite adding up.

Either way, don’t have sympathy for me. Because if you give me the opportunity I will be on you like white on rice.

This is why normal mode exists, isn’t it?

What other thread, is it about Grong?

I don’t feel too bad because a lot of the time I have my butt handed to me

I don’t know if it’s normal but I also feel bad for attacking people in world PVP. I guess that’s why I play Alliance lol. Judging by this thread there seems to be a lot of other Alliance players who feel the same.


I will attack anyone regardless of their level

Meant to put post.

Ooh, yeah, like I said, I don’t like attacking people that have no quarrel to me, but if they kill me than yeah, I go after those that killed me.