Is it normal to feel bad for attacking people in world pvp?

I know this may sound kinda weird, but I feel really bad if I attack someone. Most of the times I don’t really but others I end up attacking someone by mistake and they want to fight and I feel really bad. Truth be told, I just play around with Warmode because this expansions is about war.


I think it’s normal, or at least not abnormal.

Just shows you’re a nice person.


Yeah, I guess, it just feels… Stupid, because, you know, it’s a game. =s

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It’s normal to feel bad attacking someone or two people if you are with a group of 3 or more, sure.

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I mean, I just roll on my own, outside of my guildmates I don’t have people to play with, and with them is just PVE stuff.

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It’s only normal when it’s a completely one-sided slaughter and you realize they didn’t have a chance.

You’ll get over it when they come back with about four or five friends to end you.

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This is why I have never enjoyed WPvP and probably never will.

If I am in an actual battle like a BG or Arena? Yeah, kill 'em all, let god sort them out.

But jumping some dude while he’s questing or picking herbs? I don’t get the appeal. Feels like a total dik move every time.


I feel bad regardless of the situation, besides, I am always on the “ganged up by 5” side of the situation

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Sometimes. Generally when I kill people it’s because I’m after a quest or achievement. Nothing personal at all.

The minute I get ganked though? I’m after some blood. That roaming Alliance raid that drives by and kills me? You just sealed the fate of your entire faction in that zone for a while. xD


Oh yeah, there is that too, when it’s a fair fight I am fine, when it’s a group of people just to kill me? I try to get revenge against the group that killed me if possible.

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Not even that for me. I just go after whatever targets I see after something like that.

Just now there was a squad of 3 folks who got me in Nazmir, despite my attempts to escape. So my irritated self decided to take it out on a poor sub-120 demon hunter, and then a 50% health warrior after that.

That roaming gank squad just made life hell for their fellows who had nothing to do with it. xD

I feel bad when I pick a fight with someone and it’s clear they’re just there to PvE…

…But I also wonder why they’re there at all. I want to pick fights, maybe get in over my head and have to worm my way out of a 2v1 or something. That’s the fun!

I have no idea what people get out of ganking lowbies, however.


I do sometimes…

But other times I’m hunting them for fun.

It’s because your not an alpha. It’s ok. Some folks don’t like to dominate.

Might be… I prefer to inspire people rather, than as you put it, dominate.


It’s kill or be killed here. You inspire by splattering the blood of your enemies.

You feel strange for feeling bad about fighting people in pvp. As you have acknowledged, it is a game. I have not done wpvp since I declared that I will never again engage. However, I would not feel badly at all. horde are meant to die by my swords. Going to level this girl and get her to instanced pvp.

If I am in a group to get PvE world content done and my friend decides to randomly dismount when he sees a lone Horde or Horde below 120, I won’t even bother to help him. It feels cheap and lame even though it has been done to me enough times by the Horde. Not sure what sense of accomplishment a group feels by ganking lone players or below 120s.

I have also accidentally targeted someone else by AoE or just not paying attention that there’s also a Horde nearby when I just randomly click a target to attack. By the time I realize they are below me in level, I want to stop attacking but usually by then they think I meant to so they fight back… as expected.

In those scenarios, it doesn’t feel good.

Edit for grammar.


I mean, I kinda help lowbies when they are killing enemies regardless if friendly or not, there was a fresh 120 blood elf spriest taking one of those giant Azerite Elementals and taking a lot of damage from it, I aggroed from her and helped her kill it, even though it would count towards my WQ. =v


I have done this too and I have yet to be attacked in those situations. I think most players below 120 just want to level and move on.