Is it normal to feel bad for attacking people in world pvp?

I used to do that as well.

But remembering the times I’d be destroyed by roving Alliance raids trying to do their AOO quest has kind of hardened me a bit.


The friends I play with won’t even kill spiders and hate killing players in non-instanced PvP.

I, on the other hand, love it - provided they are my level and they are not outnumbered. Running down an opponent who has turned tail and wants to escape, especially if they’re a rogue and you manage to catch them might be mean, but it’s fun.

We’re all different.

I figure anyone in warmode can live with dying now and then, so long as you don’t GY camp. And if anyone ganks and GY camps me - I’m often leveling in warmode - I have plenty of other toons to play on instead.


I fly to dusk wood all the time and farm low levels and bubble hearth when the reinforcements come I only feel happiness from doing so

means you have something of a conscience and aren’t some insufferable ganker.

i still remember when i was out farming some dudes for their boxes and i saw someone get one-shotted by a monk. like, seriously? bet you feel so cool


No. I’ve only ever killed those deserving.


Just think about this… if they have warmode enabled they are expecting to eventually be attacked, even if they just have it enabled to get the xp bonus. So yeah, you are not doing anything wrong and if you get to kill them you really could use the honor.

If they are lowbies however… shame on you.


Yup, you don’t have to feel bad. If you turn on War Mode or play on PvP server, you signed up for it.

However, I don’t gank lowbies.


I agree, although pvp servers aren’t a thing.

If it’s red it’s dead, as long as it’s within 5 levels of me.

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It kind of depends on what class/spec I am, and what class/spec they are.

For instance, in Legion, I chased a Windwalker Monk halfway across a zone on my Prot Warrior to finish them off after they were unable to burst me down. Not only did I feel no remorse, but keeping that ******* from escaping me was the most satisfying moment of that expansion.

On the flip side, I saw a Shadow Priest leveling in Warmode on my Hunter during early BfA, and I thought about attacking them, but stopped. Leveling as a Shadow Priest sucks. They moreorless need their Warmode traits just to get by. So I left them alone.

Sure it’s absolutely normal for you, because you came from a normal (PvE) server.

Uuh, Emerald Dream was a RP-PVP server. I was kinda used to it, I mean in Legion one of the Argus points was always being camped…

It is one of several styles of War Mode play, and perfectly reasonable.

I play with War Mode on because I like the world to feel potentially dangerous and hate the artificiality of not being able to fight others, not because I want to attack random players. I get into plenty of fights, but most of them are defensive. The offensive ones tend to be limited to bounty hunting, destroying a gank group, or joining a free-for-all, usually during an incursion. I also have a small number of “kill on sight” people who have game-offended me in some way.

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Ok, then, NO, it’s not normal… unless you play your guy as Lawful Good, or a pacifist, or something.

Are you trying to sound like Kratos when he lies to Atreus?

No, only sociopaths have empathy for their victims.

quite the opposite

If its red, its dead. Warmode is completely up to the player. Make life easier, turn it off.

When I played on a PvP server forever ago…or if I was on a PvE server with PvP toggled on for whatever reason…if it was someone I wanted to attack/kill, then no. If it was an accident (which does happen) then yeah, kinda.

I’d feel bad if they didn’t literally sign up to get rekt. Think about it this way: the people in War Mode chose to be in War Mode.

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