Is it just me or was Gilneas Reclamation SEVERELY disappointing?

I remember how people complained about me when I told them that the Void Elves got access to a Blood Elf flying mount (Nether-gorged Greatwrym) and can RP as a Blood Elf now with the Sunwell raid transmogs.

And now look at what the Worgen got as a racial mount. The official recolor of a Nightborne mount. The whole event is a mess, including the rewards.


It was very average.

But one thing I really liked was the part where you go down into the tunnel where the rats were. Even though it was a couple of seconds long it made me miss old WoW areas that had hidden tunnels. Like the Raven Hill cemetery in Duskwood or the tunnels under Suramar.

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Literally everyone of value feels the same way.


As soon as the quest said “there’s a secret tunnel we have to…”, I immediately knew where I was going and smirked because I was like, “will they iterate on this throwback? Add traps, spiderwebs to slow me? I bet they woooon’t!”

Annnnd they didn’t do any of that. :rofl: :rofl:

The game’s a joke /spit

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Someone in there said the mount should have been a drawn carriage and I couldn’t agree more. We have the tech. Multi-passenger too.
Blizz gonna reskin my book mount before we get anything cool again :melting_face:


The Crusaders became intolerant of all non-human races, regardless of alliance or affiliation. They started believing that any and all outsiders were potential carriers of the undead plague - and must be destroyed. How is that going to work?

Judging by the recruitment campaign that saw them go from, like, a fifth or sixth total extermination to being big enough to challenge not one but two major factions, quite well.
If that sounds dumb, take it up with blizzard. They’re the ones that insisted on keeping the Crusade in their Dreadlord state of mind, and that that’s somehow popular enough to muster vast support from the seeming ether.

Which of course also isn’t even a flying mount, thus guaranteeing that quite literally no one will ever use it, ever.

I try to leave my expectations aside for most stuff… but yea… it was pretty lacking considering how long we’ve been waiting for this. Very very much like they just wanted to get it out of the way…


Nothing to be disappointed about. Anything Gilneas related has always been underwhelming since their WC2 cowardice days.

Or WSG! Don’t forget, the pinnacle for one of the pillars of end-game content is a 20 year old BG. lulz

Kill 10 guys, pick up bombs. Kill 10 more guys, put down the bombs. Hit the chick until she tops and watch a father/daughter hug.



Is that because it was poorly done, or just because it’s abysmally short?

I feel it’s the latter. There’s nothing WRONG with it. I think it’s a good story, etc. I like going through the tunnel with the rats, etc.

It just… it was literally 10mins of content.

It really should have been a dungeon like Culling of Strathholme. This game DESPERATELY needs some things to reinforce the GAME/ RPG elements and not just the spreadsheet/M+ yawn fest it’s becoming; to say nothing how a great portion of the spreadsheet/M+ crowd don’t even PLAY that, they just BUY their way through it.

No one BUYS carries through the STORY. They play through it because they want to be a part of this story. WoW needs more of this. Badly.

The quest was meh didn’t even last an hour. Is like 20 to 30min? I did see some poor mage died though when doing the quest.

NPC spawn too quickly and aggro range is huge. Not to mention they do hit pretty hard. I could have save the mage on my pally but I rather get the quest over with so I am sorry mage.

I have no issue but then I play on a pretty low pop server.

Probably, we are WoW players after all, and we’re never happy with anything, but I didn’t mind it. It progressed the world story, it had a cut scene. The quests weren’t anything amazing but they worked, and there was a bunch of rewards: a whole mog set (that thankfully doesn’t have booty shorts anymore (unless you look up from below)), a mount (that was probably just some unused one they dusted off, but hey, it’s a nice mounts anyway), and a toy. Was it the most epic and awesome thing ever? No. Did I enjoy it? Yeah.

Yea, that is something that hurt DF, imo. Making plot development a little too rushed seems to be a bad idea.

Feels like something big as this should be an entire patch worth of content with possibly a raid and stuff to grind. I mean, just a longer questline with more development and more stuff happening would’ve been better. So, next expansion Blizzard could make a dungeon or something in Gilneas that tackles some issue within the region. Just to add some life to it.

I did want stuff to faster because of alts but I think it should be done in a way that doesn’t hurt narrative. Maybe if Warbands share story progression across its characters it’ll make things better.

Honest to god… The second I saw the final “?” indicating the turn in, I really really thought this was gonna be the end of the first quest arc, and then we would get the second part of the arc, and a third, etc. I guess I was foolishly expecting the Campaign like quest. I mean, FFS, this is Gilneas!! People were screaming for them to make it relevant again and resurrect the place.

So I do the turn in, watch a painfully mischaracterized long long speel about the chick and her now weirdly feeble father, (Also totally against character of who he ALWAYS was in the past, a rock hard, never give up, get in your face character.)

Then my screen lights up with all these “achievements” for running around killing stuff, (BTW, It took me well under 10 min because the place was absolutely loaded and all you did was run around and tag everything once and watch your kill requirement tick off…

…And it was over…

Yes…Disappointment and a sense of loss was my feeling after completing it.

Abd to top it all off…The only difference I saw after we liberated Gilneas…

Was that the scarlet baddies just despawned, and there were like the 3 NPCs standing around looking out into the bay.

Did I miss something here, or was I expecting too much?


You didn’t miss anything, and you were not expecting too much, Blizzard just waited over a decade to give us Gilneas back and did it in a side quest.


Demonic influence at the highest level of the order has been purged. This was not the intent or original goals of the Crusade. All undead, however, will be purged.