Is it just me or was Gilneas Reclamation SEVERELY disappointing?

Gilneas questline was terrible and anticlimatic. It’s like they spent 5 minutes working on it and called it good then touted it as this amazing new content for the patch.


That’s exactly what it felt like, kind of amazed and also kinda not, about just how many people are incredibly disappointed with this. Though it’s not like Blizz really cares anyways sooo

Of course it was anticlimactic, but this was the only possibility in the current game setting.

Genn vowed to get vengeance against Sylvanas for killing his son, and this was denied to him. Sylvanas is in a place he can never reach and there’s nothing he can do about that.

What players wanted was for the Forsaken to be used as the antagonistic force in the reclamation of Gilneas for it to feel like a true victory and that didn’t happen, either.

Players got the Gilneas they were howling for, but at the cost of hollow storytelling that ultimately feels unearned and cheap.


Total snooze fest. I was expecting the end result after the completion was phasing to kick in and seeing a lively city with an AH, trainers, etc. A big nothing burger.


No shot it was, you’re just not putting much thought into it.

Solarion cooked up a much better way things could have gone down that would, I think, have served as at least a good proxy for satisfying Genn’s vengeance, and definitely would have been preferable to what we got with Lillian Dross, Calia Landfill and the nu Garbo Crusade:


In all honesty, this feels like a “test quest” a intern got to see his programming skills into the main game to get a raise or job shift.

The quest was brain dead meaningless, feels much like the end of WoD or nazjatar stone of the tides patch in BFA, bandaid stuff put together just so we could move along.

Blizzard decent storyline archs were always focused on whatever it’s the main thing in a xpac, after that don’t expect any real effort, the main teams are working on future big projects.

It’s not even just the story that’s bad. Placing bombs and fighting the Scarlet Crusade. Take the DK starting area vs. this quest line. The DK starting area is FILLED with stuff going on. It looks like an actual battle taking place.

This? There’s empty stuff everywhere. Everything is flat, and looks awkward placed. There’s a cannon here, a cannon there. There’s a barricade sitting in the middle of the road protecting nothing. It’s just like they randomly started placing stuff down. There’s no cohesion or blending together or anything and it just comes out looking like a giant mess.

The tunnel with the rats, I just started laughing. Really? This is it? Putting a bunch of rats in a tunnel and chasing them away with a torch? Who’s idea was that…


They really toned down Genn here when I much preferred when he was a hothead and somewhat rowdy. Basically show me WHAT Genn is capable of GETTING his Gilneas back. ofcourse that mentality was absent when all we got was a gloomy doomridden genn. I was hoping his attitude to be in full reflect mode when taking over Gilneas, there was nothing adrenaline inducing about the takeover aside from first hearing about the update about us reclaiming gilneas. Like I feel bad for people who play as worgens and this is your happy ending? geez.

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Genn was written as the Joe Biden of Azeroth. Once a spunky fighter in sweet aviator glasses, now more and more a tottering old man. Of course, I’ve already compared him to the old man obsessed with building a wall who leaves his daughter in charge of everything while he goes off to play, but that wasn’t precisely fair. Genn obviously knows when it’s time to quit.

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Of course the person who wants San’layn (we are never getting them) thinks being undead is cool and not a curse…smh. As a player of VTM, I like it being a curse and not something to be desired. You can be undead and be good but its still a curse and a struggle. I do think Vampires and such are cool but its a curse. Its not a fun happy time being one and the same goes for being Forsaken.


I agree, I like when your character’s very existence has its drawbacks, or is something that the general population is uncomfortable with.

I was actually a bit disappointed after the SW RP at the gates with Wrathion and Shaw, (where it is established that the average denizen of Stormwind is ‘uneasy’ about dragons in their midst after the whole Onyxia thing,) that there are many dracthyr just sitting/standing around in dragon form or wandering about without a care in the world.

From an RP standpoint, it really undercut the idea that dracthyr might need to tread carefully or conceal themselves beneath their visage form, something that I was looking forward to.

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Well it would be already be undercut by the fact that SW already has Worgen running around in Worgen form without a care in the world long before Dracthyr showed up…and Death Knights, Demon Hunters with their demonic parts, Warlocks with their demon familiars…

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True, but at least back in the day, you had to stroll your undead self up to the castle throne room while you were pelted with rotten fruit and called a monster. They set the scene that you weren’t welcome, and it was only by the faction leader’s decree that you be allowed to conduct your business in the city without harrassment. After that, everything is back to normal.

But just strolling up to the throne room as a dracthyr you see other dragons all over the place, and not even a “NPC eyes you with suspicion” or anything. I’m not saying no dracthyr NPCs should be in dragonform ever in SW, but at least in the introductory quests it’s kinda jaring how you’re told one thing but shown another.

As for Warlocks, I never played one back in early WoW, but i do remember how they had quests to get their various demon summons, and the trainers were all in a secluded basement area with any demons being kept away from non-warlock NPCs.

DHs i’m fuzzy on how their introduction to the factions is handled as it’s been so long since i made mine.

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Part of me feels warm, fuzzy and appreciative of how they are listening to player requests for more world content and classic RPG flavour… but the other part of me has kept track of all the other games I’ve played with in depth and immersive storytelling and it makes this little Gilnean scenario kind funny by comparison unfortunately. :upside_down_face:

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I said ‘evil’ curse :roll_eyes: Rich coming from a dragon player (which to be fair, there’s nothing wrong with playing, but tossing judgements around is nonsense when you’re playing something similarly frowned upon in the narrative - or that used to be frowned upon, anyway).

What even is this comment, lol? Yes, I play a Death Knight and like vampyr. Obviously I think the undead and werewolves are cool. Not entirely sure why that’s being framed as a bad thing, or at least coming across that way. I also never said ‘not a curse’. I said not an evil curse, because we’ve seen in game and in lore that no, neither worgen nor undead are evil. Individuals can be, but you’re not evil by default for either condition.

Cool, and that’s your preference. There’s upsides and downsides, which is what I said. I didn’t imply everyone should be chomping at the bit trying to get it. I never said it shouldn’t be a struggle, either. I think that’s an interesting and important part of either undead or worgen. I never said ‘happy fun time’ for any of the above.

I wish people would read what I’m saying -.- I’m fine with the general public seeing them as monsters and emphasizing their struggle. I’m fine with a vast majority thinking it should be gotten rid of. I’m fine with the drawbacks, all of the struggle involved, the need for extreme control to handle these curses. Be it vampirism, undeath, lycanthrope, whatever. It makes perfect sense for most ‘normal’ people to be very wary of them.

I get that.

But when getting rid of it is the main and only point, and the singular game direction, it feels like making playable zombies or werewolves is entirely pointless. It’d be nice if there were a sect in all regard who made the best of their circumstances and carried on (you know. Like the ebon blade) rather than emphasizing the obsession with a ‘cure’ from every single angle. Again, the leader of the worgen isn’t even a worgen. The leader of the forsaken isn’t even a true forsaken, she’s some lightforged undead abomination mary sue.

It’s frustrating.


i agree with you completely.

BUT - i want to mention that this is 10.2.5 - “DRAGONFLIGHT”
battles are no longer a thing in World of WARcraft.
war is all but gone in warcraft. this is now toddlercraft.

we have night elfs in dreams that we get to help them in being able to sleep, instead.

warcraft is now similar to what a golden book story would probably be about.

warcraft shouldn’t have demons and dead people either, i mean, it just doesn’t fit with 6 year old children doing dragon character voices ingame.
warcraft now helps ingame characters get approval for marriage, instead of, war.

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These are some really good points and it’s part of how human-centric the narrative of WoW lore really is. I’d rather they lean into the alternate fantasy more and really paint the setting, mood, atmosphere, and writing with something that fits that rather than turning everything into different shades of human.


I expected it to be at least as good as the initial Worgen starter quest story. Nope. Where is the team that did that? This whole patch looked so good, but it’s turning out to be a major disappointment- none of it is living up to the hype.


It is with a heavy heart that I read this. To find once again the Scarlet Crusade a target of those that should stand with them. Ask yourself this: Why do the ranks of the Crusade continue to swell? Why is it not possible to completely eradicate it? The answer is obvious. The Crusade, unlike the silver hand or other groups that portend to stand against evil, take up arms against the undead and take the battle to them. Yet here we are again. Another attempt to eradicate them.

Let us not forget that after the undead ravaged the land, the Crusade was the first army of the common man to take up arms to try and reclaim Lordaeron. While the alliance continued to battle against the Lich King, so to did the Crusade. Why did the Alliance turn their back on them? Because the Crusade was unlike any other army before it. It did not stand on rank and title at first. The common farmer could rise to the rank General. The armies of the Alliance have their hierarchy based on class and privilege. Any excuse would have been used to try and kill them off. Unfortunately for the Crusade, the leadership was taken over by demonic forces that saw their zeal as a weapon against the renegade Arthas. Although the leadership went astray, the soldiers still believed and continue to believe the enemy must be eradicated.

When the Lich King continued to ravage the land, the alliance abandoned the Crusade and tried to kill them off. Afterwards when Arthas went off to Northrend, who followed? The Crusade gathered up what it could and instead of returning to their homes, they boarded ships and continued their glorious and righteous cause to bring justice to the Lich King. Now called the Scarlet Onslaught, the alliance still saw no reason to assist them or enter into an alliance of sorts. Instead the Alliance made a pact with Death Knights! The very Knights that spear headed much of the wonton destruction on all that stood against the Lich King.

why would the alliance not want to enter into an agreement with such a formidable army. Ask yourself why. any competent commander would realize in an instant, that in the god forsaken land of Northrend, ALL allies must work together for the common good. but no, not the alliance. Wrynn instead instructs his armies to fight not only the undead, but the Horde AND the Crusade with the aid of the Death Knights!

Once again we find the Crusade under the sway of the same demonic forces that once used them to fight Arthas. the leadership is killed and STILL no hand is extended by the alliance to the Crusade. No assistance is given in rebuilding their leadership. What a missed opportunity by the alliance and Wrynn. This would lead to future conflict. The Crusade would never trust the alliance again. Crusaders are hunted and killed as if they were undead creatures. Did Azeroth forget who the enemy is?

The undead have zero empathy for anyone standing in their way. Responsible for the destruction of Lordaeron, the forsaken continued to thrive in Lordaeron, and the alliance giving excuses on why they could not eject them.

There is also a political reason why the alliance never extended a hand. For you see the forsaken are allies of the Horde. And had the alliance entered into an agreement with the crusade, they knew full well the first order of business would have been to recapture Lordaeron. That couldn’t happen because the alliance was spread thin fighting multiple wars, and doing so would have started yet another war with the Horde. the Horde, with all their heretical and bestial ways, are loyal to their own. They would have raised the banner of war to defend the forsaken. Wrynn knew there was no way to drive a wedge between them , so he opted to let the Crusade be destroyed.

And what a great ally the forsaken are. Even at the gates of Arthas’ tower, when the orcs and alliance finally combined forces even for a brief moment, the forsaken, allies of the horde, attempted to kill all those below their ramparts. What was the battle cry? ‘death to the living’? Wonderful beings indeed.

Battered, the Crusade was almost extinguished after the great war in Northrend. The few left sent out emissaries throughout Azeroth looking for allies and assistance. You can even see the emissary for Dalaran walking the streets. But there is no solace for any member of the Crusade. No outstretched hands. The alliance propaganda against the order has done its’ job well.

Now we come to the latest chapter in the bloody history of the Scarlets. A chapter you only see thru the eyes of those who would have you believe they are victims of aggression by the Order. Calia and Voss, both undead abominations, tell the King of the Worgen they have vacated Gilneas but the Crusade took their place. Does this sound believable?? I ask that you consider the following.

The undead, reeling from the treasonous actions of Sylvanas and weakend during the battle for azeroth, have little appetite for any future conflict. The Scarlet Crusade, few in numbers, no resources to speak of, and nothing but their faith in the Light, rallied those who would hear the call of righteousness. They attacked and ejected a much larger professional army of the undead from Gilneas.

The undead, as is evidenced by their actions throughout their history, had no intention of releasing Gilneas. They only did so once the Crusade chased them off. Voss sees an opportunity to exact revenge on the Crusade by telling the King the Crusaders have taken over and are willing to wage war against anyone who comes near them. Had the king followed his own instincts and not trust the undead, things could have turned out differently. Greymane could have extended a hand and negotiated with the Order, explaining to the more zealous of the leadership that the worgen pose no threat. but instead he let Voss and Calia fool him into entering yet another alliance to kill humans.

what will become of the Crusade now? it will endure. it will endure far longer than the alliance or horde. There will be a reckoning one day, and all of azeroth will finally come to realize the true enemy are the ones that do not sleep, or eat, or die…the abominations summoned by the Lich King. The Forsaken.

Fidelium Protector et Lucis lator


Was this supposed to be some clever clapback? Dragons aren’t a curse. :roll_eyes: Seems more like you were fumbling around for some kind of comeback and failed? Dragons are not nearly as frowned upon as San’layn. lol Undead pretty much are a “evil curse” in most settings. In WoW they aren’t but most other things they have to struggle against darker impulses, makes them more interesting than just coming back from the dead totally fine.

Calia is less insufferable to me than Sylvanas was. Though she’s got her soul back so maybe she will change if she comes back.