Is it just me or was Gilneas Reclamation SEVERELY disappointing?

I’ll likely be waiting a day or three to do it when the rush dies down.

Yeah, seriously, what a turd of a questline.

Silly silly story. Awful, post credit scene with Tess Greymane.
Takes maybe 15 minutes?

Ugly transmog, bizarre mount choice.


Meh I like the mount it gave. The story, stopped caring a long time ago.

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Also while the fox mount does look cool the irony is not lost to me that A giving a mount to the race that their whole unique racial is being their own mount and B gilneans being known for fox hunts not riding foxes.


What upset me most …there is no Flight point there…


The fact that people are currently calling it a curse and being ashamed of it makes it ridiculous. You continue to develop and don’t get stuck in time. From Cata to Dragonflight, leaving everything the same is a step backwards, and methods etc can be developed to make it better. There is a clear difference between what Worgen used to be and what it is now.
Are you still in Cata?

It’s so nice to hear that the race you play as no longer exists in the future and everything about it was bad…
Maybe I exaggerated, but the worgen are part of Gilneas and shouldn’t be constantly badmouthed. That and the fact that Tess is only human ruins the fantasy a bit. We have enough human characters and only one worgen! Tess could become a great worgen and bring more meaning to the race. Worgen are not only wild, but also noble!


Yep, i really was thinking it was going to be like Undercity / Gnomeragan in wotlk.
We just killed a Big Random Light Monster?

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only takes 10 minutes - nice I will do it tomorrow then.

As a worgen, I was so excited for this, I hate myself for resubbing.


I think they are focusing more of their attention on the superior version of the game: SoD. Hopefully AI dungeons to come for that next.

Nope just finished and omg so disappointing and the rewards like just seriously expected better especially for people on Worgens but just basically nothing Gilneas isn’t even a proper city.


No, you get a fox mount and crappy armor


The one and only thing good about it is the hat. Everything else is absolutely terrible.
And even then, the hat doesn’t go very well with the Heritage set. Oh, it has a strap that matches the set’s colors, but the hat itself is a dark shade of brown which doesn’t even match with the belt or boots.


That’s dissapointing, it’s one of the things I wanted from this. I would have loved that title to be like the “Of Lordaeron” one that you can get where everyone can use it regardless of race of faction. I have a human more or less dressed as a Greyguard that I like to pretend it’s from Gilneas but doesn’t have the Worgen curse.


I liked the fox mount a lot, but apart from that, I guess it was sort of average. The last cutscene was fine. The transmog… I don’t know. Perhaps missing a smoking cigar… j/k. I appreciate any effort to break out of monotonous design, but will I use it? Maybe on Sundays.


Get in on the class action lawsuit just announced. Let your voice be heard.

it wasnt just you, it was 10 minutes of slop. The reskinned fox mount is cool ya, the armor mog is cool but its mindboggling that they just gave every race a much better version of the Worgen heritage armor.

choices were made.

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I think it was more confusing to me than anything else. It felt pretty rushed. The story points weren’t bad per say. I just think they fumbled the ball here.

Lol huh?

Its like AI is writing game progression story, we revisit things weve already done and get new things to do that are boring. Ive played this the whole time and its getting worse. Where is the development of story, things to do that give reward. We pay, it feels like lazy and is boring. 20 years soon, loyal 20 years paying and its redoced to this.