Is it just me or is Wrath gameplay very boring?

I think he just enjoys complaining.

Retail pvp is terrible tho

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Shadowlands PvP is def awful but DF is pretty hot.

No more farming BGs 24/7 for gear, no more bullsh*t Hateful/Deadly/blah blah blah conquest gear power, no more Rating locked stuff.

Crafted → Honor → Conquest, minimal iLevel power differences so everyone will be on equal footing meaning more people playing.

Even with Shadowlands being so bad it has a ton more people playing than both TBC/Wrath, DF will absolutely crush the last remaining population in Classic Wrath PvP scene.

Not even the gearing but the way classes work, you literally do zero damage outside of cooldowns and spellcasts feel irrelevant. Hybrids just run around healing everything with no castbar and no mana consumption. In wrath even getting one hardcast off feels impactful.

Idk maybe you like the “turtle til cds” playstyle but not me.

I’m pretty sure Garmuck is the personalization of Blizzard’s feelings about their IP

DF is a lot different pace than SL PvP, there’s damage more spread out between different abilities and tbh it is superior to Wrath because the idea of having 2 - 3 buttons feel impactful is kinda dumb gameplay imo.

Just look at Ele sham, you don’t even have to pay attention to totems at all until higher rating and you can easily smash people with Lust off rip with a CL/LB combo and it goes even faster if you have a Destro set it up for you.

Even Warr as a Warr player myself is wayy too oppressive, almost 75% healing reduc and I have a SMourne warrior on Warmane too and it’s quite possibly one of the most brainless things i’ve ever seen in my life.

I feel like Classic will never be competitive or have a “pro” scene because there’s nothing really exciting or interesting about it.

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As a shadowpriest on retail i can have a full set of dots on every player and if I didnt also have voidform and procs up and voidbolts rolling and a psyfiend on them, their hp bars dont move. In wrath if i have a full row of dots on someone they’re a few seconds off dead. To me I’d much prefer the wrath style of my spells actually meaning something (and, conversely, my kicks actually mattering) over retails playstyle.

Maybe df will fix it idk, i’ll definitely be trying it. But I’ve heard ppl say its just shadowlands 2.0 from a pvp feel pov.

See but a part of me finds that latter gameplay of just pressing a couple buttons and having it mean so much very boring, there’s very little counterplay or things you can do to fight that off.

Like I get it right, from a player perspective I understand how it’s fun to see each button do more damage but as someone who is playing against that or even watching it the gameplay just seems very barebones and it doesn’t lead to any hype or exciting moments of being able to outplay people.

On Retail as bad as Shadowlands can be, I have seen some very clutch matchups where people can come back and 1v2/etc. and I very rarely see that in Wrath arena even with the best players due to how absurdly strong the buttons are vs. Retail where you have to sort of plan your burst and take your time with CDs.

I can see the appeal of Wrath arena, but I just personally don’t see the hype for it so it’s just a preference thing at that point I guess.

Not any different from TBC or Classic for most of those classes.

Well with Wotlk, everybody got aoe. And in some cases more aoe.
More than you can shake your stat stick at.

Play warlock. Our “rotation” is very dynamic and fun with a lot of skill involved.

Yeah Warlock seems chill, I would make one if there was RDF. I don’t really want to level 1 - 68 all over again with how dead dungeons and open world is right now in lower level zones.

I could buy a boost too as I didn’t buy one yet but I don’t feel like burning 50 bucks on Classic either lol

I’m kinda just stuck with Warr.

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Just kinda sucks that you need to pve to do pvp.

Why not try feral dps? I heard it was fun bearweaving and what not ;p

This is honestly making me regret going Warrior, I can’t even PvP properly because it needs so much ArP off pieces and a PvE weapon and every raid I’ve run has like a million rets and DKs and warriors all competing for it too.

That’s because you’re playing fury at it’s absolute worst.

Come back during ToC/ICC, mainly ICC period.
You need lots of armor pen and strength/haste/crit to really play fury, because you need crits to get more rage, and at that point you’re a meat cleaver, it’s pretty fun to do.

As for rotation, that’s pretty much all of wow, you maybe got 1 extra spell in retail in your rotation, maybe wow isn’t game for you if you’re bored by Wrath rotations, since Wrath has best Classic class feel. And retail is mostly combo spenders which… not that fun lol.

Lol who cares 2 button that raid loot then dumpster kids in wpvp/bgs ez

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