Is it just me or is Wrath gameplay very boring?

then just dont play.

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Yea that’s not how it works… lol “just hit the button that lights up”

Multiple times a day, if their threads drops in the top 10 spots they simply make a new thread.

trolls talking to themselves. cringe city

Not as cringe as those that obsess over us.

You guys literally flood every thread on the board at all hours
Link me a thread with 30+ replies that you never posted in

Eh… it’s nostalgia if you ask me, gameplay will never compare to retail but also narratively retail can’t compare to WOTLK.

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Yeah i’m at the point now where I kinda just log in for raids and log off lol, every raid is a loot pinata and seems more tedious than difficult.

For you to know that, wouldn’t you also have to be on the board at all hours?

Almost all of the topics on the front page right now. If you’re going to harass us, you’ll have to do better.

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So basically you’re saying PVE is boring.

Most pvpers have 40 or so keybinds.

Meh I arena casually here and there, i’m sure some tryhard sweat has like 100 keybinds and breathes loudly and slams his keyboard trying to hit glad but I would rather chase rating in an actual competitive scene aka Retail.

And yet all you do is post on the classic forums. Weird.

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Most PvPers play PvP games, opposed to playing a side activity in a game where all of the development is put into PvE.

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Could be that he is still nostalgic and enjoys the game but is bored by it’s lack of feature, activity and quality of life… while enjoying the story and zones?

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Not sure what correlation you’re trying to make there lol


I gotta say, the fact that you go out of your way to post something towards someone who you clearly have on ignore… is kinda pathetic.

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I swear this person literally just posts this on all my threads, someone who is actually ignoring the content wouldn’t keep going back to it.

Talk about living rent free in someone’s head lol

If all the development is put into PVE why don’t you have RDF? Meanwhile I can queue BG’s from anywhere and it’s cross server. Guess wrath is a PVP game now.

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Probably to purposefully kill it so people play DF, virtually no one will touch Wrath a month or two from now because content is too face roll and gear drops way too much.

There’s zero replay value and no one levels 1-68 anymore so without RDF it’s literally pointless to try and level a toon.