Is it just me, or has the average dungeon player’s IQ dropped significantly?

Actually explicitly stated otherwise in the social contract. You need an actual disruptive reason, not “because I said so”. Otherwise, you could boot anyone that you deemed inferior, race based via server cluster, gear based, class based, loot stack based, etc. Harassment is wildly enough one of the few things Blizzard does get involved in.

“Players are empowered to manage their own parties in the Looking for Group system. Players are expected to behave appropriately under the Social Contract, and work together to completing the task at hand. However, abusive behavior designed to target out specific party members ensuring they are not able participate in content is not condoned. Examples of this include but are not limited to: […] not playing a specific specialization, having inferior equipment, or specific usage of spells/abilities from their character.

You can’t start a VTK in combat. You’ve never been able to start a VTK in combat. It’s an avenue to prevent griefing for booting people as the final boss dies.

Yup it’s super annoying. Let them die and they’ll learn or the smart ones will run to you

Again. Let them die or at least bring the mobs to you. I watched a YouTube video on how to train a dog to not pull on a leash. The trick is when the dog starts pulling, you turn around and walk the other direction. Repeat until the dog learns to stop pulling. This goes for DPS too in my view if they are starting to pull don’t reward the behavior by doing what they want. You might get kicked from group but oh well

Again let them die or pull to you. If they don’t need a tank to survive then should be fine

Let them die. Stay behind LoS until the mobs come to you

Depends how big of a pull but if they’re accidentally pulling that’s just human error and you should try and be accommodating.

Pretty much this community has stopped having any kind of dungeon etiquette in anything lower than a mythic+ dungeon. And only reason they don’t do this stuff there is because they will instantly die

Yeah, that’s not what it says.

And here’s the actual quote from the support article:
“ Groups are empowered to manage their own members through the vote-kick system. If the majority of the group feels a player should be removed, they can initiate a vote-kick to remove them. The system is entirely under the control of our players. Players may choose to remove any other player from the group for any reason, provided the vote to kick passes.”

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separately… or together… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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DPS like to see numbers as well. If a tank is getting THAT far ahead I’m kind of not surprised to see people lose some patience and just start swinging at things. They didn’t join the dungeon to watch your hammers and consecration kill most of the pack before you even stop moving.

The tank is there to set up pulls, yes, and if they never actually do it people are going to start pushing their pew pew buttons.

Contradictory to the point that DPS pull higher numbers when tanks pull bigger. Fighting one pack at a time is not what DPS want

DPS don’t pull higher numbers by waiting for an entire minute before they even get on the board. You can pull everything but if it’s one big string of mobs chasing you through half of the dungeon your DPS are not going to be performing well.

DPS pull greater numbers on dense packs of mobs that are quickly organized for them to dump on. Not by following a tank on a 60 second pull setup.

Was there not a cap put on AoEs a while back?
What is efficient about fighting a pack of 25 mobs if you can only hit 8?

Admittedly I do run up ahead and pick fights with my monk healer when running TW dungeons. But I do it because I’ll win and the tank is being slow. If the heals is the one saying “pull more” when everyone is at full health, you should probably be pulling more.

IQ is a constant throughout a person’s life. It does not change as a function of playing videogames.

No need to quote these, I see all of them when I tank. Hunters who seem to think that because they put barrage on their action bar, they must use it as part of their rotation. Clearing a path to the boss, and the other players decide to take the other path back and fight their way out through multiple mob packs rather than just following me. Players who don’t get that there’s more than one possible route, and they decide that since they’ve seen everything pulled in a dungeon with a massive surplus of mobs at one time or another, they need to pull all of it. I’ve given up running back to save people who aren’t willing to just follow me on the path I cleared for them when they decide to aggro 10 mobs or take a shortcut through a pack of elites while catching up after taking a quick break to eat dinner.

Some of them definitely have the attitude that they should be in charge, as they run ahead into a field of rogues when I try to coax them around it.

But as I said, I don’t think it’s a dip in IQ. I think it’s a reaction to changes to the game that encourage bloated egos among those least capable of leading a group and disrespect to the tank.

Its end of season, Most people who got CE or wont get CE have gone into max relax mode.

Chalk this one up to the default UI being utter trash. The default settings for healthbar visibility is so short they basically only pop up when you’ve already facepulled. So it’s easy to not notice mobs standing nearby.

People who are incapable of simply following the path everyone else is running do get me riled up, but there’s also a reason for their dumbness.

Don’t start dpsing until the tank is done rounding up

Round them up today and they won’t start DPSing until you have them rounded up.

Just sounds like one is expecting elite players in non elite content. Most people still playing them are those getting off of work to play a game.