Since the beginning of the game, people had to be told to literally not stand in fire.
Dead internet theory.
You know, sometimes I do wonder how many players I see out in the world, are indeed bots.
Is it illegal to populate your MMO with AI?
If not, what’s preventing that? Make it seem like it’s more populated than it really is.
Most drivers think they’re better drivers than most of the people on the road.
Math ain’t mathing.
I am a geared healer and I admit that I oftentimes pull extra for many tanks. If I have big cooldowns up I will aggro a couple extra packs ahead, run to the tank, and then Fade to allow the tank to hit an AoE before starting some cooldown intensive healing.
While I could probably communicate this better, I do see tanks that will leave their group and come try to rescue me. I think it should go both ways though–If the tank wants the DPS to not attack until the tank is planted, I want the tank to stay planted if I run off to do something that I believe will be beneficial to the group.
As for pulling extra mobs, if I am healing in the back and I see that you missed a group that’s just five yards from being accidently pulled when the current pack is finished, I purposely pull those to the tank. For two expansions now I’ve seen tanks try these strategic paths and spend thirty seconds to a minute navigating around enemies that are probably 50% likely to be accidently pulled by someone (oftentimes a butt pull from me actually) so I think the run goes smoother when we pull the whole room or the whole hallway and I will intentionally add stuff to the AoE pile early in the fight to clear the entire path, even if it’s not necessary. There’s so much AoE going on that most mobs in a pile will all die in the same amount of time anyway.
Maybe it’s not good behavior, maybe people don’t like it, but the groups survive, nobody dies, and the dungeons get completed smoothly.
But that’s, like, just my opinion man.
Cant lose what you dont have lol
I think you’re overestimating player experience. After creating a guild on a New Player realm with some friends and getting a bunch of new players into WoW I’ve noticed that they straight up don’t realize or think about most of the stuff I would consider obvious knowledge. They get hit by everything, struggle to do basic damage, healing and tanking, and all around lack awareness since they are in sensory overload. I was never a player who liked to trash on noobs and I generally whisper them pointers and try to help in PUGs, but playing with my kids, and getting new people into the game has opened my eyes far more to the real problem with WoW. It’s such a big game, it’s always getting more complex, and without having the benefit of experience and wisdom, you’ll easily get lost in the flood of information.
I mean, is it really that far fetched an Idea? We have follower dungeons and pvp bots used by Blizzard so the next step would be…
Filling random dungeons etc when there aren’t enough players queueing up.
I wouldn’t be all that surprised.
Nycelandii, I think your frustration would be less if there were more communication. As others have said, and you agreed, there’s a good chance many of these players are new to the dungeons. So, give them some lessons. Tell them what to expect. Maybe make sure there’s a target marker on you so they can see where you are.
All of us were new at one point, and we made all these mistakes. I had many a veteran explain things to me. I’ll never forget my first dungeon. A guy invited my character through a whisper (this was before the dungeon finder) and I kind of freaked out. I told him I’d never done one before, and he was very reassuring. He guided our whole group through it, and it was a lot of fun.
So, be like that guy. Take on the role of mentor. And if some hotshot in the group doesn’t like it, they can leave and wait for another tank.
Perhaps running behind a level 11 twink in TW dungeons and doing nothing for 60 levels isn’t preparing players for more difficult challenges, but I’m just spitballing here.
That being the case, maybe dont do #1 on your list. I’m not saying pull one mob at a time. But maybe start out with 2 or 3 or 4 groups of mobs until you can get a sense of what kind of group you’re with. And, you can always tell them, “Hey I’m going to pull a few groups, don’t DPS until I stop running and then we can have a big ol’ AoE party and liquidate them all at once.”
Communication in dungeons is a long-lost art
The lack of AoE and running straight through packs while I tank drives me up the actual wall. Sometimes you can’t even stop to type instructions because they just keep walking into trash.
When the game does nothing to punish players for failure in the introductory content (LFD), they don’t think they should have to improve.
I don’t really think it’s either.
A lot of late season starters are getting into it with Siren Ilse gear.
If you compare it to week one-week two push you’re getting into it with a very different crowd.
Ding ding ding. We have a winner.
When players are rewarded, tolerated, and doted upon for playing in a disruptive manner with no realistic negative punishment - they believe that is the way they are supposed to interact/play the game.
It’s taking most MOBAs/MMOs by storm… Play how you want, ruin everyone else’s play time, and since there’s no hand-slap unless you type a bad word in chat… There’s no negative interaction to incentivize you to behave in content.
Ruin that key. Pull that trash pack. Go AFK as soon as the timer starts. Rush ahead of the tank. Get everyone killed. Take your gear off and /dance during every boss. AFK in LFR. Pull bosses. Lust for no reason. Deliberately sandbag your team’s chance of success because someone said something you didn’t like and your ego got challenged. Do it all day long every day in all pillars of content - Nobody can stop you.
There’s no threat anymore. Not unless you type, and all you have to do is not type.
It was always like that . The high end players are easily baited copy cats of players who are better than them , talent , rotation copy , gear copy ,weakauro copy e.t.c
If I introduced a trinket that increased damage by 15% all the meta slaves will get so emotional over it and mandate it even If I did not change anything else. They would also spread fake rumors that content is built around it
If I removed it the next week ,suddenly they will say the content is not built around it
This go called bait and switch nonsense that Blizzard has been playing with them has been going on for years
So, people doing this is what vote kick is for.
You can’t vote to kick in combat. - just stay in combat.
You can’t vote to kick with pending item rolls. - Don’t roll on gear.
You can’t (successfully) vote to kick someone if they’re in a premade. (3 votes vs 2)
You can’t vote to kick someone who’s made the conscious/notable effort to ruin your M+ key after the timer has started. (Not VTK-able content)
Using vote to kick to remove someone for popping bloodlust at a time you don’t agree with will end up with you reported instead for abusing the VTK system. (Not against the rules to use a class spell when they want to) - Yelling at them over it, or aggressing at the in chat for any reason is reportable.
You have no way to realistically tell if someone is sandbagging your team, so VTK’ing them when they’re “participating” is next to impossible - even if you DO meet the above criteria. Then even if you DO hit that threshold, most people wont stop the progression of the party to replace them since it takes longer to replace than to just endure the abuse.
LFR sees next to zero vote kicks unless you’re outright afk outside of the room, and even then the threshold is unrealistic.
You heavily overestimate the effectiveness of Vote to Kick in groups that don’t control the majority of the party. And the supreme punishment for being removed in these capacities? Requeue immediately. Then beyond that, trolling content that doesn’t have VTK?
Do you remember Iruinkeysxd ? The best-in-slot geared prot paladin during Shadowlands who would join lower keys, wait for them to start, spam a macro about ruining keys on purpose to prove Blizzard would do nothing? He did it to over five hundred keys before he had to name change. He never got suspended, not once. There’s no “or else” anymore - not unless you type something the automated system hits.
I appreciate all the feedback. I think my tolerance level is just dropping. I’m going to take a break from tanking Timewalking dungeons. I just left a Court of Stars run that left me super frustrated. A DPS kept running ahead and pulling everything. He’s not a noob by any means because he knows how to mark and ping.
First, as soon as I got off the boat, before I could even use Divine Steed, he rushed ahead of me like it was a race and pulled the single mob by the stairs. I thought, “Maybe he’s a new player, or maybe he thinks a single mob isn’t a big deal,” so I brushed it off. But as we went up the stairs, he charged ahead again, pulling different groups while the healer followed him. At that point, I just stopped and let him and the healer die to teach them a lesson.
I was playing my Paladin, so I rezzed them, hoping they would stick with me moving forward. I pulled the next group, but the DPS ran in the opposite direction again, and the healer followed him. This time, I saved them.
When we got to the first boss, no one disabled the beacon. I tried to handle the patrolling mob and disable the beacon, but they just ran straight to the boss, so I had to rush in to save them.
At the second boss, I pulled the two enforcers to separate the boss from her lieutenants. We killed two lieutenants and were down to the boss and one remaining lieutenant. I usually gauge whether to engage both or separate the final lieutenant based on the group’s DPS. Since their DPS was average, I decided to separate the last lieutenant, who was standing right behind us. But instead of helping, the DPS went straight for the boss and wiped the group.
These players weren’t noobs at least not in the sense that they were unfamiliar with the dungeon, so I’m not really sure what’s happening. I feel like it wasn’t like this before. I really started noticing these issues on a larger scale when the Anniversary celebration began. It could also be that I’m tanking more, so I’m noticing it more.
If you’re playing in content meant for noobs who get carried the entire expansion so far then that’s why.
If they are pulling even tho they know the way and dying over and over then they are noobs.
I dunno what we are supposed to call them? Great players who die over and over because they can’t let the tank pull? If they were good then they wouldn’t die. Lol
And reports will promptly be discarded, since “we just don’t want you in the party anymore” is a valid reason to kick someone under the current rules. I know some GD posters have headcannon’d their own rules about when a kick is allowed, but blizzard is almost entirely hands off on VTK arguments.
Don’t think that’s true.
also not too sure about that.