Is it finally happening!?

Spending the last I don’t know how many years championing for player controlled flight every expac says otherwise.

There’s a reason why flight is still in the game.

The forums isn’t the only place people are yelling at Bliz.


And then they rebranded Torghast to be EVEN MORE of a chore.

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I’m not sure if you intentionally left facts out but I’ll give you the benefit of doubt and say you didn’t.

The addition of flight back into the game had nothing to do with people crying on the forum. The addition of flight had everything to do with Blizzard seeing the highest number of sub losses ever reported in 1 financial quarter.

Those subs losses weren’t the ones still paying for the game, the sub losses were the players who actually voted with their wallets.

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You weren’t here on the forums the day they made that announcement, were you? The forums exploded for months.

Even the Devs were on here attempting to calm the backlash on that.

While the forums didn’t have a 100 percent impact on their backtracking, it did have some impact.

How much? I couldn’t tell you, but I can tell you people who never posted here before were definitely in those conversations.

I’ve been here a long, long time. I might not remember where I put my phone 3 minutes ago, but I remember the backlash on the forums VERY well.

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All the people who tell you complaining solves nothing are just trying to silence your complaints.


I’ve been here since a long time before WoD was ever heard of. I remember people being mad here. I also know that a for-profit business makes choices based on profit, they saw a massive loss in profit and had to fix it. Blizzard easily saw the reason for the loss and fixed the issue. Players have always complained on the forum, that’s what it’s mostly used for and always has been.

No, the people who spam report people in hopes to get them suspended are the ones who want to silence people.

Again: the backlash not only here on the forums, but from the WoW community in general didn’t exactly help them either (and we aren’t just talking the forums).

You know that as well as I do.

You’re only partially right.

Again, I have been in this conversation since the very, very start myself. It was not a popular decision at all and was a PR nightmare for Bliz.

As far as this current PR nightmare with the BC announcement, folks sort of do have a point. $70 for a rehashed expac (not even new content at that) is ridiculous. i don’t care how many “bonuses” are included.

That’s new expac prices.

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Depends on what the person is complaining about. You can complain about high prices… that might have a effect. But complaining because it is snowing outside right now isn’t going to magically stop the fact that it is snowing outside.

Also, some people complain after educating themselves on a subject… most however complain and then stand there with a glazed look in their eyes (I think it’s the real life demonstration of what Lag looks like or when windows.exe stops responding) when asked to explain the issue they have.

Most of your list is either accurate or close enough… except this one. It’s flat out wrong.

As outlined by Ion himself during Blizzconline, the Alliance racials right now are actually BETTER… it’s just that no one cares enough to transfer.

The last time Horde has stronger racials was Legion (again: according to Ion), but the best raiders have just decided to make Horde their home, once and for all. That simply means the best players have moved to Horde because … THAT’S WHERE THE BEST PLAYERS ARE.

So the Mythic guilds that are left on Alliance, trying their best to get into that top 100 leaderboard are only exposing themselves to being the weak punks they are. They have the advantage-- according to the GAME DEVELOPER. They just don’t have the TALENT.

That’s not THE GAME’S fault!

And, as Ion also said, it’s why the end of this stupid faction war is coming. The players can’t be assumed to deal with this problem themselves. So the Dev team is going to solve it for them-- by removing the factions. 10+ years overdue, I say.

Just canceled my sub. I’m out.


Nope but complaining makes the complainer feel better.

I’ve explained my issues with the game thousands of times on here. I could go on a 5 hr rant about everything I’d like to see changed in WoW.


Where else? I don’t see people ranting about this in the discords I’m in. I don’t see this in my large guild. I don’t see this in-game. Know where I see unhappy players right now? Only the forum and Youtube “content creators” who get paid for their bait-click outrage videos. Most of the players here complaining on the forum still play the game so why isn’t everyone in an uproar in-game also?

Where is the uproar about that again? I’m guessing limited to the forum and youtube again, however I just checked the BC section and there isn’t much of an uproar.


But complaining over trivial or dumb stuff just to make yourself feel better results in the audience you are trying to sway to your side… just walk away.

(Not saying your complaints (because I haven’t seen your complaints or if I have I can’t recall right now) are trivial or dumb… I was speaking more in general and in no way targeting you)

Most of us who are complaining don’t actualy care if anyone agrees.

Trying to convince people is a waste of time. The goal is to make the general tone negative enough that the devs see it and decide to maybe look into if there is an issue.

That’s weird since it’s very common for people to bring up how many “likes” one post has than another. lol

Probably only if they want to try to attack something you said.

That’s a very poor way to get things to change then. At the end of the day… a movement with no followers is just worthless and pointless because whatever goal that’s trying to be achieved will never be heard or taken serious.

That’s actually kind of sad if people try to do something that way. I couldn’t imagine spending hours a day spreading doom and gloom about something in hopes that I might get my way in a video game.

There are plenty of followers and plenty of voices critical of SL. And they are definitely being taken “serious”. (It’s “seriously” btw, an adverb…)