Is it bad to be mean when you love a game?

I was wondering if any of you think the art of trolling, of negative feedback, and just in general to be overly critical is a bad thing? Should we be apologetic to companies that made games we adore that then somehow ruined something we loved about them? Some of you seem to think the community here is very bad for example for whatever reason. Maybe being overly critical is seen as horrible and toxic and unacceptable these days, but it isn’t really that bad.

Perhaps Ghostcrawler said it best, we are a very passionate group of fans. Here you have a game company that made some of the most beloved franchises in gaming history, started new types of games nobody had ever played, and set new standards. To this day they made the father of arpg’s, the world’s most popular RTS title ever, and the world’s most successful mmorpg. Is it wrong to have high standards? Is it wrong to expect this company to be better than we thought it was?

I’d argue there is nothing wrong with expressing yourself in regards to games you love. You’re a passionate bunch that love the lore, the challenge, and more that you get out of all of these games we’ve probably all played for years. I’m sure most would love to be mesmerized once again and see that the magic isn’t gone and was still there all along. In the end of the day I think we’re all here because we love gaming, Blizzard, and what it has meant to many of us in our lives.

I don’t feel bad for holding Blizzard up to high standards, and I’m happy that they are also holding themselves up to high standards as human beings as well. I think in the end we all want to tune out the world at times and escape. Perhaps we do it to help ourselves clear our minds to gain new perspective. I’m sure there are many other reasons as well to game like helping ourselves through a tough time.

But that said I’m in no way shape or form sorry about being passionate about these games even when it comes off very ‘toxic.’ Because in the end I want them to succeed and I know they can do better just like we all can.


Anything in excess is gonna backfire eventually.

One real bad example I can think of is the Steven Universe fandom.

A fan drew a somewhat thinner version of a character. ( And for later context. These characters can make their bodies look like whatever they want really. Big. Small. etc etc ) People bullied the artist and called her a fat shamer.

Oh but wait there’s more. Folks that work on the show supported the artist on twitter. The people that made the show these people loved then received death threats by fans.

It’s okay to care about something but JEEZUS.


Well yeah I do believe there is simply taking things too far as well of course. That just isn’t acceptable at all. I think it is okay though to get upset over a games direction and express your dislike regarding it though even if strongly worded.

Honestly I just pick the parts of lore in WoW that I like and work on that in my head. The rest is just white noise

Don’t be

A lot of us love(d) the lore, which is why we dislike Danuser after how he has retroactively destroyed every preceding event with this dumpster fire of a narrative

Not so much the trolling, but holding a company that is meant to be setting the benchmark and creating things of the highest standard accountable when they screw up, make bad choices, etc, is totally fine and in fact - if they actually read some of the constructive stuff instead of brushing it aside - would be contributory to a much better game.

In an age where everyone is offended by everything and fake outrage is everywhere, it’s hard to provide criticisms in the aim of making something better, but those criticisms are still highly necessary.

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Trolling, is wasted space and should be ignored at all costs. It provides nothing in most instances.

Negative feedback, is a good thing. It typically tells a company that LISTENS, that their paying customers didn’t like one thing or another. And would like for said company to change that thing in their product.

It’s the same with criticism, for players like myself who had been playing 10+ years. We have a standard and in the past 6 years, our standards have not been met by Blizzard. Solely due to them being greedy or just implementing :poop: game design. That now, we have consistently asked, could you not bring this back, even if in a slightly different way. We don’t like it. But Blizzard has proven to be stubborn and or have an ego and tends to ignore the player base when it matters.

Thus is why Blizzard is in the :poop: heap at the moment, which is only a good thing IMO. As is apparent that their ego needed to be taken down a peg or multiple.

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Sometimes, when a loved one keeps screwing up and making bad choices, ya gotta give them some tough love.

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New classes and races and a renewed conflict between A & H are all they have for a typical narrative unless they create a 3rd faction.

People would go nuts and rejoin if there were both new classes, races and the WTF-factor of a 3rd faction!

I propose we let Sylvanas create a new faction led by elves: (bloodelf, voidelf, nightelf, nightbourne). That alone should shut all the irrational leaders like Tyrande and Sylvanas to shut up and start coming to terms that the eclipse of all the elves is a bad thing.

This would also allow for the Horde and Alliance to revaluate their core philosophy and ethos, and their induction of “other races”, (Orks and Humans.)

Both the red and the blue banners need to take a step back, go over again what their nations STAND for, the counsel of politics coming from both old hatreds and insightful caution against being trapped in an endless loop that sees more dead than living and remember that there will probably be a big bad to distract us from the more aggressive maneuvers either red or blue would do based on a disagreement of how a resource should be used, (azerite) or how fewer and fewer will be left standing after each battle until there’s just King vs. King chess.

Run. On. Sentence. Sorry for that.


There’s a difference between people giving feedback based on something they’re unhappy with and just outright being a jerk about things.


I agree. Can shock some out of denial, though criticism can. To get more whole perspective if at all possible.

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Being mean is something completely different from giving constructive critisizm .

Forum trolls should be made to deal with customers at their RL jobs who behave exactly like they do. :woman_shrugging:


Blizzard works for us, so you should be critical if the game is heading in a direction that we don’t like. With that said, lots of the complaints aren’t realistic.

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Well,op,there’s a wrong and right way of talking to folks at any given time and yeah we do at times rant off without thinking ,man is never an emotionless being and not with out faults.

Most of us love this game to the point it’s like family and with that also comes to protecting it. It is wrong to protect a family? No, it’s is wrong to be wrong absolutely not. When it comes to toxicity that is more lingering and can be even worse than protecting in fact it does by pass even most well guarded sentry wow can make and slowly build from within. Rome didn’t fall from the outside it fell from within.

As for trolling is concerned there is good trolling (i’m not talking about racial trolls) and bad trolling. Some it just playing around while others are indeed harmful of which one is toxic? that is a perspective of the person receiving it .

On that topic, an apparently large portion of the posters using this sub-forum seem to think that people employed by Blizzard Entertainment actually read what’s typed here beyond the moderators.

They do not in any measurable way. When was the last time an employee engaged with the customers here in general discussion? Was it late Pandora, Legion, early BFA, or? /shrug

Blue posts are generally handled like this, “I’m going to drop this update info here”… (closes the browser.)

The only time the company posts anything in general discussion is strictly for promotional or quality control purposes. It’s in a neglected state as far as I’m concerned.

It’s funny when they search recent posts to add their bug fix notes to pretend that they’re not just a computer generated response.:slightly_smiling_face:

Blizzard, we gave you the World of Warcraft General Discussion forum, so go there and leave us alone.

This isn’t necessarily true they say they don’t always comment on posts because it may derail a conversation for example. And they do post at times even recently but it just doesn’t happen as much as it perhaps used to in the past.

I looked over the blue tracker.

Can you link 1 post that isn’t an update to what they were currently working on? Say, a response to some form of feedback from the community?

I don’t like sounding so negative, but I have been reading this forum daily for the last 3 years, and I can’t think of one. Point of interest, I unsubbed at the start of SL and could post gifs on day 2 after subscribing again 2 weeks ago.

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The one I was thinking of was relating to more customization for races they said they were going to be working on based on player feedback.

That’s good and all, but we both know they were working on that anyways in an effort to clean up their public image.

Here’s one on requesting bulk transfers as well.