Is it against TOS to post

Selling portals or summons in LFG? I thought it was but I see so many advertisements it’s actually hard to read the legit LFG comments.

Spamming is against tos so if the same person is constantly doing it then yes.

How often is spamming…up to interpretation. Generally more than a couple minutes apart is good imo. I say generally live and let live unless someone is being truly obnoxious with it then either ignore them or report.


No, there is nothing in the TOS that says selling portals and summons is against TOS… it’s perfectly okay.


If you put the entire thing in caps and have it posted in a huge massive wall of text message, then yes that can be punishable. Other than that it is fine.

Put them on ignore. Some people like being able to buy summons to different places on their alts once they have a disposable gold income, don’t try to get people banned because your upset over some text, just ignore them and move on.

Yes anybody trying to sell summons in looking for group should be reported immediately. Service selling belongs in the trade channel.

And we all know these people are multiboxing entire raids full of automated accounts soaking up bought gold. No normal player pays two gold to save two minutes of flight time.

Report these people. Every 4 or 5 messages in LFG is summoning spam now. Absolutely cluttering up the channel completely at this point. This needs to go.

Yes it is:

If they make trade chat available everywhere then fine. Kinda hard to get a summon to South Shore if you can only advertise in trade chat.

Its not against ToS to have multiple accounts as long as you control each one individually.

In other words you don’t like it, so that means everyone doesn’t like it, because after all your the main character of the universe. Theres a reason the ignore list exists, try using it.

Thats a retail post

Summons aren’t boosting services

“Spamming” is subjective

“Please do the needful and redirect your complaints to official warcraft forum

Yeah their CS doesn’t know what it is talking about.

I’ve seen people claim they haven’t offshored their CS but they absolutely have.

Why would it be against the rules? Your paying for a service, all your doing is paying gold to save time, everyone involved benifits.

I do, and I am a normal player. Org to wetlands is NOT “saving 2 mins”…

You’re unhinged.

Everything to you is “bought” gold.

As if people can’t afford 50s to 1g for a summon lmfao.

Your perception of reality is cracked.

aye . i sell summons to the corner of westfall ,duskwood,and elwynn.

its a huge timesaver.

if i had to advert in trade i would have to have the 4th account in a city or one of my clickers log over to a char in the city to do so then log over and do the summon .

make trade univeral chat and ill happily do it in trade.

till then ill post in lfg and not spam much.

do you want summons to save time or do you want to have a clean lfg channel i guess?

till they make trade a global channel that is also in non city zones, live with it.

You mind pointing out where the EULA discusses all caps and Comic Sans?

The Warlocks are posting in LFG because they’re not just summoning to the cities.

Can’t access Trade Chat if you’re summoning to Southshore or Ashenvale or Azshara to name a few.

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Exactly this.

Personally, I find it impressive. The Warlock Summoning Pods spreading all over the world and connecting us all via easy quick teleportation.

Good for them. Kind of weird, but good for them.

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Pretty sure most of them are bots farming gold from players to support RMT. Some are legit players but many act sketchy when I try to chat with them.

Selling portal and summons is perfectly fine. I think it’s against TOS to sell in the LFG channel though, or at least it should be imo. It’s getting pretty bad with walls of texts floodling the channel. Makes it hard to see the legit lfg chats.

I’d love to see a separate channel for selling these types of services.

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Selling Portals and Summons has been a thing forever, it’s legit one of the main ‘selling’ points of making a Mage or Warlock.

As long as they aren’t spamming constantly as to fill the entire text box then they are fine.