You actually went back months into other threads to find this?
I’ll admit this is pretty funny at this point.
A large yurt.
I clicked on your profile and clicked that view activity button. Seen patterns of that hand-making-heart emoji and other behavior and responded to passive aggressive remarks of how I conduct myself on the internet and only resurfaced your own words.
Your response is that this is funny?
Gaslighting at its finest.
I feel like this has become personal for you, and I’m going to block this thread and not be part of this conversation as this feels uncomfortable at this point.
They should do player housing but I get to decide what house you get.
Monkey’s Enekie’s Paw
This would unironically be very Blizzard of Blizzard.
Trolling at its finest right here. I can’t wait for my Nelf house on my Deader as designed by Enekie.
No matter when Blizz makes player housing happen, we will all look back on this moment. Songs will be sung and tales will be told. This is the day when Home Owners Associations were hastily introduced on Azeroth. Good bye Guilds.
It’ll be like Animal Crossing. Except with more emotional complications.
This post got a little derailed I see.
Back on topic though.
I am a casual RPer and new to WrA (PVE player migrating from Moon Guard Horde).
I’ve been afraid (shy af) to dip my toe into RP here just yet but I do visit Silvermoon because Eversong and Tranquillien are two of my favorite immersive zones in the game. So I’ve just been lurking and reading TRP3s in belf zones so far.
Can confirm at 11AM PST this morning that there were 6-7 people hanging out. And the night before at around midnight/12AM PST there were like two dozen TRP3 profiles for me to read.
It has been really cool to see that people are there seemingly any time of the day lately, and probably even more during peak hours!
I LOVE your username!!!
Welcome to Wyrmrest Accord! I hope you enjoy your time here!
I can confirm that yesterday evening I saw several rp characters all over Silvermoon. While queuing for battlegrounds, I decided to check out the capital of the Blood Elves and I was so happy to see so many hanging out.
World of Warcraft is healing!
Pretty sure Magni has a quote like that…AZEROTH IS HEALING
Thank you! I plan on RPing once I fill in my TRP3 and think about who this character is. My favorite part about RP realms is seeing people out in the world RPing, it really helps immerse me so I just sometimes people watch and read TRP3s when waiting in queue for things. I’m excited to join in though.
Belf zones are so nostalgic (I’m a TBC baby) and I’m excited for them to be updated in Midnight. I just hope they keep the music and ambiance while updating the aesthetics.
I just took a quick tour of SMC. I did a /who and saw many people, but when i went there myself, i couldn’t find a single soul. Layers maybe? Either way… Hopefully a return to smc is close. Because VoH just isn’t it
weird, i just went back and saw a few in the exchange
did you have WM on?
Same. I think Azeroth has a lot of opportunities for cool roleplay. So many cities, towns, ruins, groves, forts, etc. So much potential, even in outdated zones.
That is one of my biggest disappointments with Chromie time is that you don’t see any of the roleplay going on because of the sharding. Just sharding can be such a hinderance.
Silvermoon City was hopping again last night!
So I haven’t been able to read every single message here, but what I surmise is SMC is the new hopping spot? How is the Undead/Forsaken RP in general? Are there other spots starting to thrive again?
Asking because I wanna throw up a character or two horde side and I am not sure if I should do WRA or MG.
Appreciate any positive or constructive commentary!
We are so back.