Is Horde RP making a comeback?

Been derping around SMC for the last few days.
And every district has a handful of people roleplaying

Traveled over to Org to see if people are just rolling Elves, but theres seems to be the same regulars there too

Thunderbluff was confirmed to have story time still so I’d say everything is on the up and up

So which city are you making your RP hub?


No. Those are just hallucinations you’ve been having. WoW doesn’t exist.


Not going to lie, I am genuinely curious to if the sudden sightings of people is them getting themselves ready for Midnight early.


im really enjoying the hype for revamped Quel’thalas.

Almost no excitement for War Within other than a minor interest in Cave Humans lol


I am honestly glad to see Silvermoon becoming an rp hub again. Makes me happy to hear that. I know Axiann and some other Blood Elf Players were forming a community and trying to do public events to bring it back.

Efforts made but I don’t think we have enough to get Thunder Bluff to Rp hub status. I can’t commit enough time and may start committing a little less.

Two weekly events is a bit much.

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Silvermoon as an RP hub is great. There’s just too few places in Orgrimmar with chairs.

I’m being serious.


Do you think the turnout will be larger if it was just 1 a week?

…thats not a meme??

Like two years early but yeah.

I think RP is coming back because people are finally settling into post pandemic life.


and whatshisface got booted too

Coldstick or something?

Lmao what’s a Coldstick

:eyes: CAVE HUMANS!!!

Orcs prefer to sit on the floor unless you’re specifically the Warchief, evidently.

Honestly this is phenomenal news! So glad to hear it! I’ll have to get in there and support it now and again!

What do you think all those wars were over?!

No seriously though what’s a Coldstick.

But no barbershop.

No capital city for me, my Forsaken lives out in all those well…forsaken lands. You know, lands being blighted or ruined are not our fault. Nope.

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They’re talking about Bobby Kotick, who recently left his position as CEO of Activision Blizzard.

I wasn’t able to be online long last night, but I saw a bunch of people on the map in SMC. I didn’t try to actually count the names, but I’d hazard a guess at 25ish. If that keeps up, then Silvermoon’s future looks a lot brighter than its recent past.


Yes, Horde RP is coming back to WrA.


We are talking about potentially doing Mulgore Mondays less. Maybe once a month instead and keeping Story Circle as it has always been; once a week. It’s tradition so I wouldn’t dream of changing it. Well, besides moving up the hill from the bonfire so the guards don’t attack Alliance.

We might do another event on a monthly basis too but not sure. It’s all discussion right now.

there’s alliance pvpers getting chased around by horde pvpers in smc



ques the Benny Hill music as Alliance raid runs in and out of Alleys with the Horde PvPers doing the same

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