Is holy pally just bad rn, or am I just bad at holy pally?

My hpal is 493 ilvl, and I average ~70k HPS in M+ and raids, sometimes shooting up to about 100k in raids if other healers are dead or being lazy or whatever, yeah? And I’m putting all I got into it.

My MW monk is 440 ilvl, and I average 90k HPS in M+ and raids, sometimes shooting up to the mid 100s. While barely trying.

Is hpal just bad, or am I just doing something wrong on hpal? At 493 ilvl, I’m really struggling to do +2s, I just don’t feel like I have enough healing to do keep people up. I ran a +2 on my MW monk (50 ilvls lower), and I can just turn off my brain and automatically keep everyone at 100% health.

For both classes I’m running the “damage to healing” kinda setup.

I want to play my hpal more, but I don’t see a reason to when I can’t do even the easiest endgame content.

Hpal has hps issues, its currently the worst healer and probably the only non-dps spec in the game that could be considered “bad”

So it’s not just me then

I don’t personally play it, but i have heard from a lot of people that yea… its not worth playing rn

Holy Paladin at the moment feels like more effort to achieve the same outcome. Tied with Preservation Evoker for the least player healer, likely with good reason.

I mean prevoker is fine, it has a TON of healing and good utility, it’s just harder to pull off. Hpal just feels bad, but maybe I’m just bad at it.

Everyone complained about Holy Paladin being bad and their response was to nerf other healers.

HPally cannot pump out numbers like some other healers can

Well you are probably not a bad player since you do the 2s at 440 ilvl on your monk with no problem. It’s possible that you are significantly better at the mw than the hpal. But yes hpal should get healing buffs.

I hate HPAL. It’s such a weird healing spec.

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Don’t discount the possibility of both being true.


Looking at the number of parses logged for Awakened Vault so far, Disc Priest is the least played by a wide margin in Raid.

In M+. Disc is third least popular over the two mentioned. (TIL that people are playing Holy Priest again in M+)

Although that’s all off topic. I was a Holy Paladin main until after a bit of frustration in 10.2 I tried Mistweaver. Yeahhhhh.

Ahh true there is a difference to treating it like a spec/class. I should have made that difference.
Was referring to M+ as per the OPs tone but ty for the raid stats

Same thing for me. I tried holy thought healing in general wasn’t for me then I did mist and liked it. Then I went Blood DK an incredible healer in its own right

Made me laugh!

:cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: for you!

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Skill issue. Holy paladins are already doing +15s.

It’s funny … in m+ healers are so different than in PvP. Prevoker a disc priests and mw are top shelf. Hpal…meh. Mid tier. Rsham and rdruids…in battlegrounds no thanks. Bottom tier.

So, I pugged to 3335 last season… this season I’ve done 7s with no issues, I may try higher keys soon… but with that said, our mana sustain is our number one issue, it hurts our ability to heal and dps aggressively. I have to sneak in drinks between pulls and mana pot a lot on cooldown. I think we have excellent utility and heal many situations fine, just everything is so expensive!!!

In regards to having issues on 2s with your ilevel, the other players need to have decent gear. Some people must of missed the memo that 2s=12s now, so if your dps is very undergeared, I suggest finding a different group as far as pugging goes.

Good luck! :slight_smile:

Probably a little bit of both, though I think it’s really important to look at the context - in other words: the groups you’re in. I’ve only done up to 5s so far on my resto shaman, and the identical dungeons can range from very easy to heal to really hard to heal.

It all depends on how well the group plays the mechanics, how well the group interrupts, and how well the group uses their defensive CDs. Damage also matters. If you get damage dealers that do 100k overall in a dungeon, everything is harder. If you get 250-350k pumpers in your M+2-5s, it’s chill time. You can’t go by previous scores and item level right now at all.

Take the last boss in the vault, for example. If people focus the hardened crystal, the encounter is pretty easy overall. If they don’t, this mechanic will likely wipe the group. If they take their sweet time doing the other crystals first, you can do 250k+ HPS and someone may still die even on a +3.

HPS is a difficult metric. You usually heal more in worse groups, and less in good groups, but sometimes groups are so bad that you can’t even really heal them before they die.

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Holy paladin is just bad right now. Their hps and spot healing is worse than all of the other healing specs. They also burn through mana faster than everyone else. Until we see some holy paladin devs notes you should play something else.

Holy paladin was part of the god comp in season 2 and blizzard hasn’t forgiven them for it yet.

Switched my holy to tank ever since pally aoe heal got the mighty nerf hammer and never looked back.
My best guess is Blizzard hates the class and wants it to suck, sorry for frankness.
Not sure why you would dev a class you hate , but some people don’t like fighting pvp against people that actually heal themselves , I reckon.