Wow! I think the most I ever stacked was like 42% and that felt like a lot. Did you get mastery that high in DF?
How much each person stacks will vary based on playstyle and content. The point I was making was more about how it messes with Holy’s scaling giving it such a linear and flat increase when so many other specs get a conditional increase, such as Shammy being on missing HP or even disc needing to keep atonement up.
Holy’s by contrast is just a flat % increase to your healing at all times.
Ahh gotcha. Was like whoah! I have to say though, I feel the low mastery sadness on my presevoker as well. Stats being low at beginning of season is just rough.
I always feel better when I get a good raid set going and my crit/mastery is edging out over my dungeon haste/vers set. I accidentally forgot to switch from my raid clothes to my dungeon clothes for a key the other day and the 5%haste was brutal lol.
PoH will still be garbo even with high mastery on later stages.
It’ll be the same as shadowlands unless they do changes.
Considering Halo is insanely good for raids I don’t think we’ll see changes for PoH at least for raiding.
Raid clearly is not the problem for HPriests. M+ is where they lack a ton of utility to a comp, there healing is kinda ok, lacks a bit of AoE but we’re really good spot healers.
Compared to others HPS and Utility we do are on the weak side
It’s different this expansion because we over heal for so much less. In M+ in Df I could have 10% mastery and still over heal 80%+ with Echo. Now this expansion Echo over heals around 20-30% which makes mastery much better for M+. Before I would just stack all versatility, but having some mastery is good.
In raid we over heal about 10-15% less overheal then DF which allows Echo to contribute more healing that just got sniped before.
The only notable change were getting next week is this:
- Sustained Potency has been updated – It now also pauses the duration of Apotheosis, Dark Ascension, or Voidform for up to 20 seconds while out of combat or affected by a loss of control effect.
I tested this on the PTR and if Apotheosis is rolling or triggers out of combat you can just sit there and full reset your Holy Words to full before going into combat.
You can also abuse this with Shadowmeld on trash by melding in the back and casting a few casts on yourself to reset your Holy Words before jumping back into combat.