In that case yes it did. Lol
How did you connect the dots?
Not the same as someone claiming something about the latest raid mechanic without showingbtheir creds but there it is.
This is more along the lines of alt brigading to try and sway opinion.
I don’t agree with “get your main” mentality of some posters but I do feel having 50 forum avatars per bnet is asking for that.
Blizz can probably see when its happening but forum users have to play detective.
Which makes the content of posts even more important.
I like her name. I posted on it a few times. Forum stuff isn’t account wide, so I’ll stick to her for simplicity’s sake.
(Coke spews from nose laughing)… sorry friend. Pretty much every argument made against your point has been embarrassingly spot on. … (embarrassing for you, you just don’t seem to realize it). Lucifuge has owned you throughout the entire conversation, lol, but keep on keepin’ on. It’s entertaining
Oh Irony, thou art a fickle and naughty lover!
Had some help from a mysterious group of hippies in a green van and their dog, the Harlem Globetrotters assisted as well.
This just made me laugh so hard.
Yea I figured there was detective work, snooping, meddling, and some scooby snacks.
What was the tip off though? What made you suspect the poster was misrepresenting themself?
Usually when people make obviously inflammatory statements it’s just to troll, at least in my experience on these forums.
The alternative is to believe there are people on here who really believe some of the stuff they post, which is too depressing.
Sometimes I think people are just bored, and they want the attention so the post the thread of the month.
This topic has been done to death, but you at least provided something new showing why people might want to have access to armories.
Speaking of, I’m so glad my armory is updating frequently.
You really do not want to go here with me. I have ben in the hospital going to two weeks. One doctors says one thing and the other doctor say the opposite. both in same field. The problem is and like post each has their own way and opinion how to do things. Mean while I am stuck here and wondering what’s going on. Just because some has same knowledge does not mean they apply it same way.
Meh. I post on multiple characters, depending on the voice I want to respond. Of course, I make no effort to hide who the alts are, even referring to them in posts - like a recent one in which I mention my past dealings with my gnome mage Frizzil, or one ages ago in which my human warrior admonished me about my sarcastic tone.
Point being, posting on alts isn’t always about trying to “hide” something - sometimes a post needs a snarkosaur Rizlet, sometimes an absent-minded physicist nerd who drones on like Frizzil, sometimes a thoughtful wise old gnome like Gebner, sometimes a dour old berserker Heghap or gothy edgelord Arlei.
I post on this one because at one point it was going to be a main, then I switched to a different toon. From there it was a combination of being too lazy to change on here, and having posted a lot on this toon, I felt if I switched I’d be hiding myself and previous posts behind a different toon.
Credibility? Couldn’t care less what people think they know about me. Especially since my sub dies in a few days.