Is Hiding Your Character Shameful?

Except that 99% of the posts on the forum are going to be based on opinions rather than fact.

The only thing the armory is for is looking at other people’s WoW characters. If you think people being able to see how much you’ve played the game is an epeen measurement contest then you have a very negative view of people.

So because people can be paid to be carried through instances that makes the entire armory invalid? I never even was trying to make the argument that the armory is the end-all-be-all of validating people on WoW, just that it is an extremely useful tool in seeing a poster’s experience.

When the topic at hand is a video game I think your experience at said video game is a valid measurement of credibility. Everyone has an opinion, that doesn’t mean every opinion is equal. It just seems like posting on alts or hiding your profile is a good way to steer yourself away from any criticism.

I’m glad that you are self aware enough to recognize this about your opinion regarding hidden characters. Irony is delicious.



Lmao what? How is every opinion not equal on this? My entire argument has been about people posting about things where experience is a factor.

At least if you are going to be critical of me come with criticism.

Yes my darling dove, but you talking about an opinion you have, not a fact of reality. Do try and distinguish the two if you plan on making further comments in an attempt to dismiss the thoughts of others you don’t agree with.

If you continue to act so naughtily I simply will be given no recourse but to have you punish me.



Duh? The entire point is that everything is an opinion, therefore being able to see the poster’s experience is important. If we were dealing in pure facts then checking a person’s credibility would be moot because you could cross reference it.

I think you have a clear misunderstanding of what’s going on here.


^ these new forums seem to be all about bugs.

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Assuming people feel shamed for making their armory private.

Why are you bothered by people who do?
[See what I did there? See if you can figure the similarity.]

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This, plus I’ve been a raider in the past. I don’t post about bfa raids because I haven’t done any, but I have had enough experience as a raider to give general information, and definitely can have an opinion on raiding.
Experience speaks for itself you can tell when someone is blowing an opinion out their backside or if they speak the truth.


No my dear delicious delight, it is you who is confused.

You made a point of saying that not every opinion is equal or right, and then when confronted with the fact that the entire basis of this thread is an opinion you have that others don’t agree with, you lash out. Sinfully so I must add, you make me positively quiver in delight.

As the saying goes, you can’t bake your cake and eat it too. Either the rules apply to everyone, including yourself, or no one at all. If you are still confused on how communication works, I would be happy to give you private lessons at the Golshire Inn.



But it does. You just can’t have a fully supported opinion without having done the content. Thank god for armory raid progress, it helps me ignore a lot of useless comments.

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I want people to be able to see my armory. I worked hard for those 5 H G’huun kills.

Sooooo…I have to eat raw cake dough? I guess I can live with that. :laughing:

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Am I being trolled by an RPer?

I’m lashing out for saying people posting their opinions on raiding, PvP, and whether or not the expansion is good should show they’ve actually played? I even clarified I think being able to post from alts or hide profiles is fine on the community forum. The only thing I take issue with is people posting as if they have experience while hiding if they’ve done the content.

Once again, just because you are entitled to have an opinion doesn’t mean it is informed and valid. If you are posting about PvP or raiding without having done it all you’re doing is parroting other people’s comments anyways.


And we’re taking issue with you taking issue, because it’s irrelevant and rather insulting to discard someone’s opinion about something which an armory profile may or may not have any valid information on. Our point is you should, as someone who has done current content, be able to separate the wheat from the chaff by simply reading the post saving you valuable time switching websites. It’s going to be very clear if someone knows what they are talking about or is just making warm wind.


I’ll go back to the doctor comparison to help you see where I’m coming from. Would you take medical advice from someone who refuses to prove they’re qualified to give it? Most people wouldn’t. So why would you take raiding or PvP advice from someone who refuses to prove they’re qualified to give it?

If you have an opinion it doesn’t mean it is valid. Sorry, that’s just how the world works. Are all the people who have the opinion that vaccines cause autism valid because it’s their opinion? You do read the posts, then you check the armory to see if that person is full of it or not. If you need to cross reference multiple websites in order to check if someone is giving you an informed opinion then you just wasted your time getting their opinion in the first place.

My armory isn’t all that wonderful to start with because I’m so casual at playing that I might wake up by Christmas. I’m not hiding anything and I always post on this character and it is my main, so, it’s all good. :slight_smile:

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That’s really not a good metaphor because people take medical advice from Alex Jones, and he’s definitely not a doctor.


Exactly, I do so hope you possess self-critical analysis. Otherwise this conversation is doomed to repeat itself in an endless circle of you not understanding and everyone else correcting you. Time, and time, and time again.

You opinion, in your own words, is no more valid or right then anybody else’s. Therefore your opinion on players posting with hidden characters is no more or less valid or right then any one else’s.

Is there anything else you want me to clear up for you, my dove? I am so enjoying playing the role of a naughty teacher with a student who needs to be punished.



Nothing. I swap mains per expansion. I had planned on maining Autai for BFA but…yeah. Now she’s pretty much my forum avatar until…yeah.


But I said I have no issue with people posting on hidden characters on the general forums my love. For someone who sure love to type eloquently, you sure don’t like to read!

My entire argument has been centered around people posting opinions on PvP or PvE without the related experience. You posting ERP on alt accounts has literally nothing to do with it, and I have zero issues with you doing that.
