Is healing or tanking easier?

I’ve been thinking of returning and I’ve always wanted to tank or heal. Is it as hard as it looks? Which role is easier? Which classes do you find easiest or most enjoyable?

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Healing is less stressful imo. Blizzard decided that mob melee swings were not doing enough damage in m+ so they buffed them a ton. On high keys you do more running for your life than tanking.

I like resto druid but rsham is a safe pick. They have multiple cooldowns to use during periods of high incoming damage, they bring lust too which is nice.


SL Resto druid is the probably most relaxing spec I’ve ever played

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If your team is good, they are both easy and fun, and if your team is bad, they are both awful.


Tanking in dungeons has the added layer of the group expecting you to 1) know a path, including exactly what to pull and how much count you need before doing x and 2) be able to stay alive and keep aggro, while also usually being top or near top on kicks

Healers are just expected to heal the group through anything, including the DH who eats all the frontals, the and the hunter or boomkin who just stands in the fire.


I find tanking easier in raids, harder in dungeons. But unless you are doing content you find challenging neither should feel too stressful once you get your roots.

It depends. On average, I’d say tanking is easier.

Healing can be the hardest role or the easiest role. It’s entirely dependent on how bad your group is.

The tank isn’t as reliant on others not sucking. They can play around a bad group by doing safer pulls.

Healing is easier, but please be dpsing in the downtime. That’s why holy pals are so popular

Very personality dependent.

I think mechanically healer is harder, it isn’t close.
But tanking requires you to research fights, in some cases entire dungeon layouts.
You need to know your limits and the limits of your group as a Tank.

Healer you can sit back and chill doing your thing. Especially in raids.


I can’t speak to healing. But I hear it’s easy once your learn simple things.

Some things need to be cleansed, some damage is Not preventable and thus requires a good healer.

But I can talk your EARS off about tanking.

Tanking can’t be difficult to get to grips with. Because you need to learn how to keep a good hold of Agro, and which of your defensives you should use at what time.

But once you get over that initial hurdle, it’s pretty easy.

You dictate the speed of the dungeon, which is nice, and once you’re in the groove you can go pretty fast.
Some tanks are easier than others to play. But I know them all. So If you need any advice just ask.

Tanking is the easiest role in the game.

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Depends on content difficulty, but I’d say overwhelming heals.

I’ve always found healing easier, especially once set up with appropriate addons. If a dungeon fails, it’s typically a mechanic issue. If a raid fails, you have multiple healers to gauge against and help improve.

Tanks have a metric ton of utility to mitigate damage outside of what tool tips expressly state and that can be confusing. Dk for example, death grip tool tip doesn’t say it interrupts casting, but it very much so can be used as an interrupt. On one mob I can interrupt, death grip it, stun it, and then interrupt it again. That mob has dealt almost zero damage for ~15 seconds and that can be huge.

Tanks have to o ow when to tank swap, position mobs that cleave, and know dungeon pulls too. Only way to learn pulls is to practice with a group or watch vids.

Mobs have all sorts of abilities, knowing when to use what button to mitigate as much of that damage as possible can really make a huge difference.

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I enjoy hanging back and healing. Worrying about my damage or leading stresses me out way more than worrying about debuffs or health bars.

They both have their downs and downs, imo. And it kind of completely depends on the level of content your doing.

Raid tanking puts me to sleep - it’s beyond boring. M+ brings some added stress to tanking… Generally being expected to know routes, having to kite sometimes, etc.

Healing is kind of dependent on how solid your group is. Have a group who actually uses their defensives, interrupts, and other utility abilities? It’ll be a smooth run. Your group or raid is just kind of winging it and messes up a lot? Will likely be a bit more stressful.

If you consider yourself a solid player, you’ll likely find both of them pretty easy. But, if you don’t (which is fine), might just be best to test out each one to see which role you’d rather practice more.

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You’re gonna get slammed either way. That said, Tanks have to do a lot more work to know dungeons inside and out, what their team is capable of, and be prepared for it all not to work and still take it on.

Hmm :thinking:
I feel like this question is complicated and comes with some variables. I’m going to remove two of them :slight_smile:

  1. Is your group playing perfectly? Answer is yes
  2. Raid tanking or M+? Answer is raiding

Now, without thinking about those I’ll say healing is easier but only just barely :+1:

This is what healing is like:

You’re playing wack a mole with people’s health bars.


I pretty much just pug and I haven’t really done high keys. I find tanking easier from a class gameplay perspective, but more socially stressful because of expectations (routes / affixes knowledge, pacing etc.). I usually put “chill / completion” in the title when I’m playing these roles. This helps reduce toxicity.

My go-to is prot warrior and holy paladin, but I wouldn’t say that they are the easiest.

healing is easier in m+; tanking is easier in raid

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healing you have to watch everyone including yourself health and not stepping on stuff
tank just hur durr get healed
mythic + is yucky dont bother doing it

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