Is healing or tanking easier?

Tanks are just DPS that hold aggro. Healing is too much multitasking, mana management, and staring at health bars the whole time while also doing mechanics. If the tank dies, the healer is bad. If the DPS die, the healer is bad. If the healer dies, the healer is bad. Being a healer is a difficult and thankless job.

Tanking is pretty easy. You also feel like a badass as you lead the charge into battle.

It depends on the content for which is harder I think. M+ tank is often harder because of being expected to lead the run though there are definitely weeks the affixes are rough on the healers. On LFR, normal, and most of heroic the bosses not hard to tank. They sort of tune the tanking stuff around having a not good tank for raiding under mythic I suspect because if they did not and guilds had not good tanks they were get hard stuck pretty quickly. Mythic tanking can get difficult, have to know what your class can and cannot do really well and have a plan. For raiding how hard healing is depends entirely on your group up until mythic where you run into bosses that are just a lot of healing no matter how well everyone plays. The real challenge for healers though is doing damage while doing that healing, and heroic isn’t really tuned to make healer damage super important. If you have questions feel free to reply and ask. I’m not the best tank but I probably know enough outside of class specific stuff.

Oh man, it really depends. Healing as a Holy Priest? Absolutely easy. Healing as a Holy Paladin? It’s wild man. I love Holy Paladin, but being in a melee and being force to constantly dodge mechanics, and get heals off of combos. It’s pretty hard, but incredibly fun and rewarding.

Tanking? Its pretty boring. I don’t know how hard it is to tank for a raid, I am posting on my tank and you see how far that got. What I can tell you after tanking for a couple of dungeons is it just feels kind of flat. You don’t get to do anything really cool, all the big numbers are heals and damage. You just kind of wait for other people to kill the boss, its just lame, man.

Tank is harder because you need to do research outside of the game , because you have to carry your group

Heal you can go blind easily because you just have to follow the tank and stay 30 meter away , so you can learn mechanics easily

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that’s always how i looked at it as wel :100:l

Healing for sure is easier and less stressful. I do think the best choices imo are restoration druid and guardian, but will say I may be a bit biased on this.

Tanking is the easiest job, and the easiest specs to play.

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Idk I disagree I love tanking. To mee the main tanks that just kinda sit there are prot warrior annd brew those are incredibly boring to me, or well prot warrior is just very clunky.

What tank would you recommend? I will try them out for sure.

#1 parameter, in answering this question is…

Are You in a PUG or are you in a Premade Group…?

PUGs are notorious for drama and toxic interactions.
Premades have a whole different atmosphere, when learning to play these roles…

The act of tanking itself is much easier, but because it’s easier you’re expected to be the leader and call out mechanics, have a route, and be generally more knowledgeable than everyone else.


I’ve done both in Mythic+, and I can say for sure healing is definitely harder.

With the re-tuning on how healers work, mana is a big issue. Your team has to avoid mechanics or else you’ll be OOM in a single pull. Most players know how but even then you can’t just fix someone’s health bar with a single heal. You really have to work at getting people back up, all while DPSing.

Tanking is matter of knowing the fights, which you’ll know from doing the dungeons on a regular as heals/DPS. There are mods that can help you get a full clear. All you have to do is survive and hold threat. Threat isn’t a problem. Not dying can be.

Huge difference. After you memorize which packs and how many mobs to pull and know the tracking within each dungeon, and memorize all mechanics, then tanking might be easier. Before that point, healing is much easier.
For me, easiest is holy priest, shaman, monk, druid, paladin, then disc priest in that order.

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And don’t forget also top on Explosive week. Some tanks this is simple (Guardian Druid), others not so much. But yeah learn those routes, once you know them forwards, backwards, sideways, etc. than it gets easier (it was stressful start of the season, now I pretty much can do all the dungeons in my sleep). But be prepared to do mental math if someone pulls an extra group as you now need to figure out what to skip (and still keep the right percentage). There’s WeakAuras that help, but for example they don’t work in DoS if you get all 4 tormented powers and go to Dealer first.

I have a strong case of Tankxiety.

Why ToP in particular with explosive? I feel like I see more orbs when doing the ardenwield area in DoS than in all of ToP.

Dps have it the hardest then healers then tanks

Are you going to pug, look for a guild, or do you have a group of friends?

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I meant the top person killing orbs. I only PUG and most PUG DPS/Healers don’t even think to touch the explsoive orbs. I didn’t mean the instance ToP sorry. :slight_smile: