Is Guild Wars 2 Better Than WoW?

Why Blizzard never even attempted to steal the Map Meta Event System and instead do a dumbed down version of it with World Quests is beyond me lol

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I think both games have their ups and downs, personally:

  • Progression: I agree that it feels good for your accomplishments to be permanent in GW2, but I also agree that acquiring more power and feeling your character progress mechanically feels good, but it feels bad when that same power is reset. I don’t think there’s a right answer here.

  • Focus: GW2 is definitely more cosmetic focused while WoW is more progression focused. That being said, GW2 routinely a large amount of its cosmetics behind its cash shop and GW2’s goals are kinda obfuscated by its achievement UI, so I don’t necessarily know if I consider that a plus or not.

  • Graphics: I wouldn’t call WoW cartoony as much as I would call it stylized, and again, that’s a matter of preference. It’s true that GW2 looked more realistic when the game was first released, but WoW’s style is timeless and looks like WoW no matter what. It follows the same rules as Hensen’s Law; CGI graphics will invariably become dated, but a badass puppet will always be a badass puppet. Similarly, GW2’s graphics are very realistic but sort of outdated now, but WoW stuff continues to look great because they’re less realistic.

  • Payment: Guild Wars may not make you pay a subscription fee like WoW does, but WoW also lets you play for free as long as you make enough gold to purchase a monthly WoW Token. (I don’t do this personally, but plenty of people I know do.) Furthermore, Guild Wars is basically designed to make you pay real cash for in-game currency; it’s really difficult to earn money in-game and the Black Lion AH is purposefully designed to avoid being profitable to players. Furthermore, crafting in-game is super lucrative and makes the game’s best gear because it encourages spending money for gold to buy the materials you need. Personally, if you are trying to play both games competitively, I think WoW is the cheaper game long-term.

Here are some places I think GW2 really beats WoW:

  • Character customization. From custom voices and the ability to fully customize the color of your character and most of their equipment, GW2 is much better than WoW. I truly wish WoW would abandon color tints for progression and focus on dodads, moving color tints to a player customization option.

  • Guild Housing. This is such a neat feature in GW2, and the fact that WoW has no equivalent boggles my mind, personally.

  • World Versus World. I love this as a concept, and feel like WoW could do the same thing if they flavored each “server” as its own timeline, and had it be tied to the Bronze Dragonflight.

I absolutely love GW2 but for slightly different reasons than wow. When I’m playing gw2 I begin to miss the trio of healing tank dps in dungeons.

I think gw2 absolutely crushes wow in some areas. Mounts are mind blowing in gw2. The movement. The looks. Abilities.

The graphics aren’t perfect and if you have a crappy comp it won’t turn out good for you. But the graphics to me are better in gw2 by a long shot. The terrain landscape and design is really neat. Sometimes frustrating in HOT zones. Ok like all the time.

Combat is super fluid and once you get used to changing weapons you will have a blast.

Some of the elites and big bosses out in the world will absolutely blow you away with how awesome and huge they are. I can’t remember the last time I felt that way in wow. The fight scenes that you actually play are out of this world.

I love exploring in gw2 and I used to love it in wow when wow was new to me. Wow is so dated and rehashed that I miss that old feeling I would get.

Armor sets are beautiful and really show how dated wow has become.

Gw2 isn’t perfect. I sometimes get confused on what an armor upgrade is in terms of power. Since it is a horizontal system I can take a break for a year and come back and still be decent.
And doing a fractal I got stomped so hard it wasn’t fun.
If you aren’t buying armor mogs for money I don’t really know how to go out and get complete sets. I haven’t tried to go solo any dungeons or anything like I would in wow.

I love both games however I treat gw2 as kind of a single player story driven game and if I want to run a dungeon I’ll play wow. But I have to admit the reasons that bring me back to wow seem to dwindle each year.
I wonder how new players are feeling about wow? Wonder if it is the same way I used to feel. I’m sure wow will keep going for a long time.


Nice way to say no progression. All you can progress is through an insane grind for legendaries. Doesnt matter the items you have aside those the freh maximum level and the old veteran actually have the same gear.

Id rather play the sims.

It is B2P, thing is, you have to buy every single expansion so the initial cost is very, very high to play an already outdated game with even worse update rates than wow and ffxiv.

Again truth is the game have no real progression aside the incredible amoutn of grinding for leggos.

And yet more expansive to the new players than a sub game.

It is not meaningful when everyome have the same gear level despite their advancements.

I like both I play both . Its easy to do so as with GW2 you are never really behind as character power never changes.

However does it replace Wow? Nah. Gw2 has better world content and story line that actually makes sense to your char and not Thrall calling you maw -walker :rofl:

This is false. Gw2 is in the middle of LW5 with the third expansion, End of Dragons, coming later this year.

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GW2 is really good but I can’t really get into the end game of MMOs when they don’t have the “trinity”. All dungeon and end game content just feels too much like everyone is doing their own thing and other players are background decoration, so as someone who loves Healing I don’t really have a lot that interests me at end game.

Granted I have not played since it launched, but I got bored of the end game dungeons SOOO fast due to everyone being DPS.

I will say that I greatly enjoyed the leveling process and how the zones were laid out with activities and jumping puzzles for completion. Really enjoyable but the end game is what hooks me in MMOs.

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The stats of your gear matter quite a lot actually and there are a ton of different builds for characters, each requiring different gear sets that you would have to acquire. Also, the Legendaries are hard to get yes… but isn’t that good? I mean, people seem to be quite happy with how the current loot system in WoW is (aka much less loot) so that makes it a good thing right?

Isn’t your characters gear Transmog’d? Same thing.

We pay a sub fee for WoW + $60 per expansions whereas GW2 expansions are typically around 40-50ish and the Living World expansions are free to those who are actively playing the game when they release.

Also, one of the great things about GW2 is all the content is still relevant and people still do Heart of Thorns meta events. Why? Because they’re fun and rewarding.

The Mastery System? Mount Progression etc?

Can wow keep doing the same things it has been doing and still be exciting? I don’t know anymore. Beginning to look other places for new ideas. Wow isn’t going anywhere and won’t ever die. Will It will it be the game that I’m hooked on like I used to be. Not sure. I want wow to step up. Sales don’t agree with me and I’m not super sure how to parse that.

These are the reasons GW2 is awful as a long-term “main” MMORPG. I played it for maybe a few weeks per expansion. It’s a fun game. It’s worth buying Heart of Thorns (which I guess comes as a bundle with both expansions now – which is a shame given Path of Fire is awful in comparison).

But no, I play MMORPGs for the progression, and GW2 doesn’t have any that matters. “Transmog is endgame” is a real thing and not just a meme among more casual MMOs, and GW2 is the epitome of that, and I greatly dislike it.

Centaurs! So. Many. Centaurs.

Why u keep necroing a year old thread

No, it’s not. There is no endgame at all.

The leveling and world is amazing, but that’s about it.

I loved Guild Wars games. And I really, really tried. But ultimately they’re beautiful games that are also, unfortunately, incredibly boring.

No, no it isn’t.

No. I’ve played both and GW2 is pretty, but that’s about it. I was invested in the mount/baby-dragon-now-grown-up story, which is more than WoW can usually say… but only for a very short while (and that was the only time I was remotely interested). Theres just not enough tangible goals in my opinion, and crafting is just… Insane.

I do like the Norn though. I wish the Sylvari or whatever they are called looked better though.

I wish WoW had a WvW mode.

Ya and the dude whom got it yesterday and the dude thats on it for 4 years ar eon the same power creep layer. Super cool.

Is wow development focus transmog? Nop.

Dont you say? I never thought about that!
Is that the answer you were hoping for? What a terrible argument you have.

Here is the thing, a new players will buy it by 60 and play the game 1 month and have all the content acessible for him and be able to do whatever he wants with his friends in WoW. GW2? you HAVE to buy EACH expansion to play all the content. Too. High. The game isnt worth the price.

Incredible advancements.
As incredible as unlocking pathfinder but i dont see players here happy abou it.

It’s $30 to buy GW2 and you get the base game, Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire expansion, the Living World Icebrood Saga and of course, a max level boost for that price.

Good to know they changed that then.
And then you gotta pay 60 dollars to have all the content. Still expensive.