Is Green Fire for warlocks still available?

Its several years since I saw this topic and today I decided to check to see if this has been left in the game for warlocks to be able to get.

Does anyone know if warlocks can still obtain The Codex of Xerrath? I plan on leveling up my warlock in Dragonflight along with several other alts and want to see if I can still obtain this Green Fire.


Far as I know, yes. Just not the title.


Sure is, I forget where the tome drops but you can farm for it like before if you want that green flame.

Looks like it is. But make sure you have your succubus. Apparently the incubus won’t talk to you during one part of the questline.

Thank you, I’ll now have to research how to start that quest.

Rares on Isle of Thunder.


Incubus? Is that the replacement for the old succubus? My lock still has not changed hers so maybe I’m ok on that.

Optional summon you can set up. He’s pretty spicy.


Incubus is just the studmuffin version of the succubus.


Just buy the tome… it’s dirt cheap.


Yes it is. I got it on my Warlock a couple months ago.

You can buy it? Where?

Buy the tome, it’s not worth farming + a lot of people are farming those rares so just buy it.

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In the auction house. Got mine for 5k.

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Beware of the mechanics at play getting the green fire effect, it took me 300 tries before I managed to finally wreck Kenrethad, an in depth mechanic research IS REQUIRED. Wowhead should be able to explain this fight as it is “brawl pub” quality level of hardness.

Or just be level 60 and 1 shot him. Had more trouble with the invisible maze than anything else.


Thank you all for this information, I appreciate it.

You better pray they don’t hotfix lvl him to 60-70…

Very easily, you can either farm it in MoP’s Isle of Thunder (Not recommended IMO) or just buy the codex from the AH.

Just checked the AH…not to be found. So I guess I need to do the quest for it. Should not be too bad, my lock is 60 and fairly well geared.