There are many things I don’t understand about general discussion (i.e. wtf is a waggle), but first and foremost is the general rudeness and hostility that seems omnipresent on this forum. As a returning player who wanted to participate in a few discussions regarding changes since I’d played and takes on lore decisions etc., I thought I’d try here (no one I know plays anymore). Very immediately made to feel unwelcome. After reading through posts, it seems largely that everyone detests the game but simultaneously no-lifes it and has 40 alts at max level. Is this meant to be representative of the community as a whole? I’m trying to decide if I should resub or not, but a large part of what I liked about the game was making friends and doing cool stuff. There’s pretty much no social aspect now, not compared to what there was, and while I understand the appeal of Classic, I like the shiny retail stuff. But I don’t want to play the game like it’s my job. Is WoW still for people like me?
No it’s not.
GD is a mix of people that aren’t successful at the game and some that are with most being unsuccessful.
It’s why people are so bitter and angry. It’s easier to whine on the forums instead of taking accountability.
Is GD indicative in any way of the general playerbase?
There are plenty of people who think so but no it is not. You will often hear people say things like “the community doesn’t want this” or “who asked for this” or “why don’t the devs listen to the community”.
What you are hearing from is a few hundred, maybe a couple thousand out of millions of players. They think they speak for the entire player base but they don’t.
Internet forums are notorious for attracting angry people who want to complain about something. They represent themselves, not everyone.
GD is basically the Mos Eisly of the WoW community. Fortunately, it’s a small subset of the playerbase. Most of my interactions with people in game are positive.
I’d recommend finding a guild or community that shares the same interests as you. Most have discords where you can hang out and chat with people about the game and avoid the trolling that’s prevalent here.
The forums are the vocal minority of the playerbase.
That’s what the forums are for
Probably, it’s a great big game and the competitive content is actually less than 10% of what’s in the game, maybe closer to 5% now. The 8 mythic+ dungeons can also be done on normal, the raid can also be done on LFR and most raids in existence can be soloed.
On somethings probably, like gating slow flight. But having skyraiding from the get go…
I know a lot of people that don’t come on these forums or don’t even hardly visit any social media pages think it’s a stupid idea
And there’s other things that’s been voiced on here about some classes, spec design ETC
Some People on the forums probably tend to be a little bit more. Passionate about the game That they’ll speak out…here
Да. Over the decades, people have become ruder and more introverted.
Is GD indicative in any way of the general playerbase?
lol… no
Kinďa… most of the playerbase rarely talks outside of guilds these days though. Some realms do though for reasons beyond me stormrage insists trades be hot political takes.
Of course it is. This forum is roughly one percent of the playerbase. And some of us only get grumpy at people here. Not in game.
Hello. offers /hug
(wait … I’m not a hugging person … oh well, too late now)
I don’t represent anyone but myself, but welcome to the forums.
OP I recommend the WoW Made Easy Discord for actual conversations. GD is mostly cheap entertainment at best, with a few rare exceptions.
Me not know.
The community council is supposed to represent the playerbase.
Wow is still a fun game, though you will have to make new friends to make the most of it.
GD in my mind is where people go to be dramatic about anything and everything.
In general you have three kinds of people on the forums. The people who come to complain about something, the people who come to ask about something, and the old FIDONet/USENET/AOL grognards who hang out on an internet forum because it’s something they’ve always done, although they can no longer tell you why.
May the Light have mercy on us if that lot are representative of the general player base.
Me not fit in those.
The old monkeys and the pressure hose story.