now that’s a mog!
Wow is as casual friendly as it’s ever been. As for the social side, I dunno. Join a guild I guess? I haven’t been in one since legion. Try one out, and if you don’t vibe with the people, just leave and try another.
I love when people make up random numbers.
Me try.
Hat keep jaw on.
Nope, absolutely not.
This is a place were players vent , where Blizzard staff want to tell you to stop complaining about things and go post here
Nope. Not even close.
Competitive content is just a difficulty setting of an existing content . Take Mythic raids for example, its just a difficulty setting of raid with 4 settings, the raid itself isn’t even exclusive. I am going to say less than one percent
Theres like 50 people here, and we sorta just pass the same 10 or so topics around every month or so till Blizzard scratches their bum then we make like 20 topics, 10 of which are actually a single one we pretend is something new to talk about.
The forums are often players that are more involved with the game so no it wouldn’t be the “general” playerbase. Feedback is also gonna be generally negative, that’s just the nature of it but it doesn’t mean it’s bad feedback. It’s also not because someone post negative feedback that they don’t care about the game it’s usually because they do.
If your goal is to engage in the social aspect in the game guilds or communities are still your best bet and you can find something there that you like. Personally, mythic raiding is that for me and I chill often with people I play with on discord and sometimes even other games. But yea for more casual players I feel that experience might be harder to get on retail.
OP, you must be reading different forums from me. I think posts are about 50/50 likes and dislikes. Lots of posters just try to engage others on a Wow subject. The PvP forums are a little different, but that’s because blizz severely neglects PvP. Can’t expect happy joy joy when that is the case.
Most threads are friendly and fun, really not doing yourself a favor if all you see is the rude stuff.
If anything forums are a melting pot of all the types of players in wow (and well in any games really)
Even the troll posts we turn them into a righteous battlefield fighting against the evil pineapples on pizza
What you see is what you get.
Agree. Thread titles are pretty precise, and if you look at the majority of them they’re positive and/or generally about the game (lore, etc.). Not sure what the OP is talkin’ 'bout.
no… eight more characters required to post a reply.
nothing but add-ons and 3rd party websites. Please please do NOT play this game !
GD only matters when we’re all united in hatred.
Otherwise it serves as a void for the individual to scream into.
WoW is the Mos Eisley of the internet.
I’m in an extremely casual guild of mostly moms and dads, most of which struggle to keep up with the tank in DPS.
None of them use the forums and they don’t even manage 1% of the “Make it easy / Give it to me now / everyone is so toxic” gripes you see on the forums.
OP seems to have adjusted quickly, and is fitting right in.
no, vast majority of the playerbase does not care about the forums