Is Frostmourne down?

It’s back up

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Gundrak, Jubei’Thos, Frostmourne, Dreadmaul, Thaurissan

Those are all connected to each other and I can’t get character list on any of them.

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I’M IN ! ! ! ! ! ! ! go go gadget

Back up for me.

Yeah, seems to be back up

IT’S DOWN AGAIN. What the F*** are you doing Blizzard?

Won’t even let me log out

just ruined our m+ run

Again servers down??? @Blizzard are you able to response with an update or a Community manager?

blizz pls fix it, im 12 i have a bed time

GAD DAMN IT ! ! ! ! ! this needs be sorted

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Been playing wow for a few days now. This is happening around the same time every night.

Would be nice if blizzard would fix this obvious issue or at least acknowledge it and that something is being done… I just bought wow tokens and renewed sub for 6 months… Would be nice to play

peak hour key bricks to disconnects -10/10

rip, happened again :frowning: blizz need to look into this

Is this happening again or what?

Down again :frowning: :frowning:

I’m back in

The sad thing is blizzard seem to ignore this issue,at least acknowledge this problem.

I moved from Barthilas to play alliance, never seen anything like this. It seems to be pretty bad. I can’t imagine doing keys or raiding like this.