Genuine question
Oh snap a gurl halp question.
Depends how on far you take the flirting. Just some banter back and forth is harmless but if you’re texting each other or messaging on some other platform, you’re probably crossing the emotional cheating line.
Yes, by definition.
A joking, silly repartee? No.
This^ yeah, that’s straight up cheating.
If it’s something you wouldn’t be comfortable doing in front of your partner, then it’s not cheating, but it’s not right.
This right here is truth.
Totally agree.
I also offer that tolerance is involved too. The missus has to have a certain amount of tolerance toward that behavior in order for it to be okay.
My wife has zero tolerance so I don’t push it to prevent making her feel insecure.
Other s/o’s might have higher thresholds for dealing with flirting.
It’s def cheating if your partner considers it flirting. At which point the question is should you be with that partner.
This thread is about to cheat on 404 relationships.
This is not the right place for this.
Relationships normally do have a lot of flirting. Unless you’re one of those types where the love dies the moment it becomes official.
But with the girl/boyfriend flirt away! They might dig it. With other people? Not so much.
If you care about your S.O. you dont flirt with others.
It really depends on how open your relationship is.
I would recommend a clear discussion with your partner to determine the limits of such things.
…It really isn’t. There are probably other forums much better suited to this question.
girls like bad boys
Compared to the forum’s usual threads, this is actually more productive
General Discussion is now General Dating!
These days, societal norms are continuously being redefined and, in some instances, becoming increasingly bizarre. The important thing is to clearly establish boundaries on an individual basis. Assume nothing.
And to the ‘this isn’t the place for this’ crowd, do get a grip, hmm? It’s refreshing once in a while to see topics which aren’t exclusively game related or that require a little more thought.
My dictionary says no
Though people like to come up with their own definition for words so it doesn’t matter and you have to go off what your partner goes off
I’m a simple man.
I see a Swarf comment, I give a to the Swarf comment.
Yes, it is.
If your partner is a flirt tell them you don’t like it, if they don’t care drop them Find the perfect person for you.