While it might be entertaining, a gaming forum like this one is the LAST place I personally would consider to be a good place to visit for RL relationship advice.
I did try to give some anyway…
While it might be entertaining, a gaming forum like this one is the LAST place I personally would consider to be a good place to visit for RL relationship advice.
I did try to give some anyway…
Bleh. Relationships are overrated lol
I’d consider any relationship advice given on a gaming forum to be as equally useless as advice given on actual relationship and/or psychology forums.
People are generally not exceedingly high in emotional intelligence, regardless of the platform they’re speaking on. There are an incredible amount of educated idiots out there who are no more valuable or useful than jane or joe schmoe on a gaming forum.
In any event, people can and will choose for themselves individually what they do and do not deem to be worthwhile advice – regardless of where they receive it.
All that being said, this place is more interesting when the threads venture off topic. I have no problem with this.
Who said the one flirting is a guy flirting with a girl? Could be a guy flirting with a guy, a girl flirting with a guy or a girl flirting with a girl.
i’d say it depends on 2 things:
The easiest way to figure it out in regards to your relationship… if you feel the need to hide it from your S.O then you already know you’ve gone beyond the boundaries of your relationship.
You can look without flirting. Flirting crosses the line. I’m sure you wouldn’t want her flirting with good-looking guys, right?
And the real question is, how committed are you? Are you just dating? Engaged? Shacking up? How serious are you for your future with her?
Cheating, no, but definitely not right. That anyone has to even ask that question is mind boggling to me.
Semper Fi!
Want him/her flirting with good-looking guys/girls and future with him/her.
Yes is the short answer.
It is ok to be attracted to other people. Thats natural. But by flirting you are expressing romantic interest in the person. And usually you hope they reciprocate. Now complimenting someone is not flirting, unless there is romantic intent.
If you are flirting because you want other people to romantically desire you, or you romantically desire that person, then you are cheating. You are pursuing romantic interactions with someone other than your significant other.
If this is the case, and you are romantically interested in others, you need to end your relationship. You are not happy or being fulfilled in your current relationship and staying in it, will either lead to you cheating and hurting that person, or you both being miserable forcing a relationship that should have ended.
Flirting: behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone, but for amusement rather than with serious intentions.
The act itself is not cheating.
It gets messy when all parties involved do not know intentions.
I don’t flirt with people unless I’m attracted to them so i prefer women that will not flirt while in a relationship.
Technically, I don’t flirt, I just try to allure/charm.
It’s about intentions and preference.
Too personal to say. Some people are extremely insecure and assume their partner even glancing at a someone means they intend to cheat. Meanwhile there are some couples that have open relationships with clear boundaries.
unless you are single then yes it is cheating.
just really depends on your partner though some are okay with it given you don’t cross the line they set others not so much. me if my gf/wife was flirting with another man no i wouldn’t like that.
If you’re in a rl relationship and serious about it, you don’t flirt with others.
While it’s not cheating, it’s a sign that you don’t respect your mate/partner/whatever word people use these days.
Flirting itself is not cheating but it leads to cheating.
depends on a lot of factors and how open the relationship is lol
If you flirt with someone you are looking for romantic or s**ual interactions with other person. By traditional boundries you are breaking your partner’s trust and creating competition on a position which technically your partner already holds so ya def crossing a line there.
I dont think compliments themselves are flirting only when they come with second intentions
people use reddit for relationship advice these forums might be a step up from reddit.
what if they are in a polygamous relationship?
Quick little compliments. You’re good. Anything further, dangerous ground.
I flirt with the ladies in here, but I would never seek out their companionship. I am happily married.