No, final fantasy isn’t a good game.
Better than WoW? No.
Is it good? I think so, yes.
Is it worth trying? That depends. You need to understand that you are in for a few hundred hours of what was to me, extremely boring linear fetch questing and constant cutscenes interrupting combat sequences.
With that said-----
The ambience and environment of FF14 is undeniably incredible. It is very much a single player experience however. Leveling with a friend just ain’t gonna happen. Give it a shot if you like, the class quests were fantastic…but it’s not nearly as smooth or polished as WoW is out of the box.
It’s difficult to compare. I took a break from wow and played FF for like… 11 months but then came back to wow 1 month ago.
Ah our daily FF thread by someone with 3 posts.
FF does a lot of things better than WoW.
WoW does some things better than FF.
If you like RPGs and storytelling you’ll skew towards FF.
If you like MMOs and Lobby games, but skip stories in games and just want flashes and rewards as quick as you can you’ll probably prefer WoW.
There really isn’t a wrong answer here, I play both. If you’re curious the free trial has more content than the entire Shadowlands expansion.
Some things are good, others are bad
Same as any other games
Very much so, but as a Final Fantasy game, not a full time MMO.
I have been playing it since HW and always enjoy the story, and the game is fun. Interesting jobs and it looks nice, but I still play WoW a lot more.
You can enjoy both.
I play both actively -
Community wise it is a fair bit ahead. Do you remember how people use to naturally hang out and there was a lot of player generated content? That is still a big part of FF. Expect to see lots of natural community. Gameplay at endgame is a bit like learning two dances - your optimal opening and rotation and the mechanics of the fight. Almost all the classes at 90 generally have more buttons than anything I’ve played here but they have a hard cap set to 36. Furthermore you will fall in love with the story, I recommend sitting through the cutscenes even if it’s boring at times because it does pay off.
World of Warcraft in my opinion does the gameplay itself better IMO. I enjoy the idea of not necessarily having to use my brain as much when playing and having the world to explore. I feel more enchanted by the world lore itself and while I do have friends to play with, the world doesn’t feel like it fosters that natural interaction as much because of phasing etc.
I mean it’s not a bad thing either. It gives time to work on multiple project without feeling any guilt or fear of missing anything.
It’s more that I feel the WoW playerbase always expect a big endgame where upgrading all the time happen, needing to enchant gear, having enough raiding mats. But due to the nature of these things not been a big core of FF14, it makes the endgame more casual friendly.
In the end both game have their strength. I did fully tried FF I got most classed level 90. And I personally think while most of the content is easy, it’s not a bad thing because it’s generally well designed and enjoyable. Above all, easy to access to most players.
Just on long term it was not super for me. I will play it again probably after some patch since catching up is very easy to do in that game.
You haven’t lived until you have earned the Playstation trophy where you have to jump rope with Vivi 1000 times in FF IX.
Both games have their pros and cons. I just find myself enjoying FF XIV way more and have been for years now. Then again, enjoyment is a low bar to meet in WoW, so who knows.
Honestly I hated it.
I have tried multiple times to get into it but its a clunky mess of a game
FF14 is like reading a novel with some traveling and dungeons between chapters. Personally I love FF14 and I enjoy WoW. Both very different games, I play them differently and enjoy different things about both.
In FF14 I play less but enjoy it SO much more when I am playing. It’s just relaxing, the people are awesome and the glamour is gorgeous.
WoW is for the collecting/farming itch, that’s pretty much all it offers anymore.
I’m not sure what you mean by polished but I wanted to point out that, imo, FF14 is much friendlier for new players than WoW. You get eased into everything and the MSQ is easy to follow. This past week I helped quite a few people in WoW just figuring out where they were supposed to go and what to do. I rarely see new people in FF asking for directions.
The combat sucks imo, but everything else I enjoyed. Got into heavensward (I think) with a machinist dragon girl thing
Here more content meaning 180 hours of the most boring questing in existence full of interrupted combat sequences and talking to npcs for the next three weeks.
Depends on what you’re looking for. It’s a better RPG.
WoW has better combat and zone flow. I play both. There’s really no reason to feel like you’re married to one.
It’s worth a playthrough for the story alone IMO.
Oh, and the professions are the best in any MMO I’ve ever played. The fishing raid alone is worth the sub.
I have 1000s of hours in FF14. Heres my 2 cents.
Story is great. one of the best game storys ive played. Though it is a big time commitment but well worth it…
Gameplay: Its definitely slower than wow as the GCD is longer, this is what turns a lot of people off. Class design is a little more “safe”? i dont know how to describe it. Some classes are horrible boring and too similar especially tanks and healers. You might have to play around to find a job you like. balance is way better though.
Endgame dungeons are super easy meant to be cleared by pugs. theres no m+ equivalent system. There are only two raid modes normal and savage. Normal is easily puggable ive never raided savage. Theres also a 24 man solo queable raid, this is desgined to be pugged but its not as free as LFR is.
PVP is trash if you care at all about it this is not the game for you.
There are no endgame systems or borrowed power like wow. Gear is from raid drops, tokens and currency gained by endgame activities. FF14 is a game that is very easy to play for a month or two take a break between patches and come back to play the new stuff.
Only needing one character is a major major plus for me.
And as the meme says it free up to level 60 so you dont lose anything by trying it.
FFXIV is great. It’s on par with WoW but, for different reasons. Definitely give it a shot. I swap between WoW and FFXIV when I get bored of one or the other.
A lot of people will say gameplay is boring and slow I’d suggest you ignore those comments as to they would not of made it to level cap. An example is dragoon. Very slow gcd and very few abilities as you level up BUT, at level cap with everything unlocked, dragoon has so many ogcds to weave in between your gcds, it ends up being quite fast paced and frantic. Awesome fun
Just stick with it and keep going! Classes get much much better 50-60+
The game CAN be a slog and feel slow without all your abilities but, once you do get them, FFXIV’s classes have some of the best designs out there. Really well thought out and they definitely have much much much better balancing than wow. All classes are close to one another in dps which is how it should be. Ranged dps does sort of pay a dps price for utility and movement so keep that in mind! It does make sense though.
Lately I’ve been off FFXIV personally. It’s a different beast to wow, different player base. People are more friendly but, I do get sick of scantily clad cat/bunny boys/girls.
I think the distaste for FFXIV on the forums comes from SL being quite the failure and a lot of people jumped ship then trolled the wow forums with spam about FFXIV. It’s a shame but, don’t let that make your decision for you.
Get out there and enjoy both!
That I agree with. I mained a Dancer, and at level 90 there’s a big switch between what we call as “burst phase” and a build up phase . The burst phase is very active however, I did not master every classes. But the way FF has fight scripted at high level I think it’s a fine design as you barely feel the impact of doing less.
On warrior, I love the animations and when I can my wholesome Fell Cleave chains but it’s definitely feel slower than WoW tanking.
By polished I mean that the combat system in FF14 on a fundamental level by comparison to WoW is extremely, incredibly dull until level 60+, and then it turns into 28 button rotations.
As far as being eased into everything, this is not entirely true. If you understand that as long as you follow the MSQ and do nothing else aside from class quests that you’ll be fine, then you’ll be fine.
If you start clicking things that aren’t MSQ related, a new player can get very confused and very overwhelmed very quickly.
Depends on the job. Some jobs are more complicated than others. Then there are some that LOOK complicated at a glance but the rotation and its 28 buttons flow naturally and effectively.