Is FF14 better for solo than Wow? For group/MMO stuff? Looking for honesty

If you don’t love questing or care about story, your initial play-through will destroy you. If you do like those things, you will find the game to be amazing.

An important note is that combat is ultra-slow (even slower than low level WoW) in the beginning but it picks up considerably in later stages of the game.


when i read this i pictured that gif of the girl where there’s like 30 raw hotdogs flying into her face


Very much so, yes.

Later you can even form groups with NPCs from the games story.
Like other MMOs it’s better with a group, but as an actual RPG there’s plenty to do solo. The story also matters a lot and your never one of those random guys who does stuff before Thrall comes in to save the day.

Your the savior of the universe and after you establish that your treated as such.

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The solo experience is much better in FF. The crafting or professions are also much better.

The dungeons and raids are much worse, in my opinion.

Wow is basically 99% end game and the build up was taken out because, well, who knows. FF is like 99% build up, with an OK end game.

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Its truly a shame most wow players do just live in their own little bubble and get offended so easily the second the integrity of they game or community is compromised.

On the OP topic tho. I say try ff14. It’s much much better solo and end game is pretty good as well with most content being easily done in pug form.


Just a foot note - if you want a faster experience (sorry for latching onto your post Blackbison) I suggest Dragoon/Dancer as I play both and the playstyle is a lot faster then many of the classes.


Yeah, it was pretty good for solo. I did only the main story quests, and the quests that would unlock stuff. Ignored all the other sidequests. I think you start to get into 8 player stuff fairly close to where the MSQ gets to level 50, then there is the Crystal Tower after that with even more players. You join a queue for those and end up going right along with the experience. Started as Lancer/Dragoon and switched to Samurai at 50.

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Thanks for that tip, I heard about 2.5 seconds for the GCD which does sound… hmmmm….

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It’s depends on what you are looking for. FFXIV does have a better journey. But it also has end of expansion requirements. You have to finish one expansions story to move on to the next expansion.

Wow has a better jump in and do whatever you want kind of game play.


Taking in both games in their current state, FFXIV has WoW beat on those terms for me. Now if we’re gonna talk WoW in it’s prime it would be a tougher decision for me.


it is definitely slow at the beginning of the game, around level 40ish is when your rotations will start to get a bit faster, at least as far as dps go. you’ll have buttons to press in between the GCD abilities so the dps are kept pretty busy


Dont play FF14 if youre into pvp, world zones, dungeons or raids. Very subpar in comparison to warcraft. I mean there is no mythic+, no mythic 0, heck not even heroic difficulty for dungeons. If you like brain dead content then FF14 is for you.


Depends on the class, but you can think of the buttons that you press on GCD as your “main” rotation. Then there’s stuff you weave in-between. Depending on the class, this could actually be one or two other rotations that you’re weaving in between your main one. The combat is actually quite active.

One of the classes I play is Summoner, which has a roughly two minute rotation. WoW has a higher APM, but it’s mostly mindless whack-a-mole of buttons that light up. FFXIV makes you think about you’re doing. It’s closest to MoP as far as class design goes.


There’s content that is arguably more difficult than Mythic raiding if that’s what you’re into, although drastically less of it.

Personally, I prefer a game that I can actively play with my wife, son, friends, and guildmates regardless of their personal skill level while still actively progressing my character. If I played with them in WoW? The game would actively discourage me from playing with them because they aren’t similarly dedicated.


No there isnt. I have 80 BLM, I do savage “raids” and ultimates. Do not play ff14 if you’re not a casual after casual content, you will be disappointed.


That’s really the beautiful part of FF14. You can totally play it as a second or third game and not miss a beat. Especially now with Endwalker coming in November. You’ll get about 300 hours of content if you just do the mainline story quest with out skipping cutscenes.

Gearing is quicker than most other games, but the real endgame is glamor (transmog) Farming your bis looks for each job you want to play feels like a more fun endgame. Feels better than knowing all your work done between now and the next patch will be invalidated.

Of course there are Ultimate weapons, but that’s for a later chat. They are all pretty af and worth the grind of learning a very complex fight.


I can’t wait for Endwalker to fix pvp (maybe)

Warrior of Light extreme isn’t braindead content either btw.


If the loot treadmill is your sole interest, you will be disappointed, sure.

But it’s disingenuous to say that FFXIV doesn’t have any challenging content. It does. It just isn’t the sole focus and priority of the game.


You should really ask in FF14 forum. Players in there should have more info and experince on this.


I liked the solo stuff in there. One character can play all the classes if they want. That would be like no race/class comboes here, but better since your own character can play the new classes.

It has great customization for your own chocobo.

And I hear they allow you to solo dungeon quests with an ai party which is a nice option for people who play at weird hours.

I also hear that solo gear is competitive and that is good if you want to solo old stuff I think like the mounts in that game.

They also have a currency for bad luck protection for mounts to drop if you are unlucky.