Is farming strath decent money as a paladin?

People get banned for many reasons.

Sometimes it’s correct, sometimes it’s not.

However blizzard has never banned anyone for farming unless they are using actual exploits / cheats. Like fly hack, botting, exc.

Many of the people who got banned for “farming strat” are either leaving out the fact they were doing something they know they shouldn’t have been, or were fasly flagged by blizzards auto ban system that will ban without human review and requires appealing it.

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Its cheesing the game, plain and simple. Whether thats bannable is up for debate. Id say no. Its definitely a nice advantage to have though.

Likely the gold selling companies engage in such farming practices and people who do it for personal gain get caught in the hairs of Blizzs red flag algorithm or whatever hence the unban.


It’s definatly cheesy.

But it’s not an exploit, as some are claiming.


I would agree.

it sure is.

Exactly. Facts

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So he’s like Sylvester Stallone then.

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Well thats the reason though, I don’t have any problems with faster loot addons either, but this is not about my experience or yours, and faster loot was the reason of the bans.

Remember when Blizzard temporarily limited players to 30 unique instances per 24-hour period? And the forums were awash with "OMFG I LITERALLY CANNOT PLAY THE GAME ANYMORE AND IM TOTALLY GONNA CANCEL IMMEDIATELY" tears?

Good times, good times.

I ran Strat on my mage (skipping what I could) back in 2008 for the mount. I will be doing so again.

Though to be honest I may leave it to Wrath when it’s less of a hassle…

Had a friend get banned for exploiting the economy for farming, they can pull out any reason they want to drop a ban.

Sounds more like he was using an AH bot with the reasoning given.

Can you cite source?

see post #7

Reddit is not a reliable source of credible information sir.

Please cite a real source. These people didnt receive an email saying it was because of farming stratholme i’d wager.

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truth reddit is a plague on the internet lmao

Plenty of them claimed they were not botting.

If that was the case the appeals would have gone through.

People loe about why they got banned all the time.

I was once banned for being too sexy for my tunic… so sexy it hurts.


I know right?

I got a ban a few years back because my dog was playing on my account, and account sharing is against the rules.


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i don’t recognize your authority in deciding source validity.

Well, a random person on reddit isn’t a good source.

Nor is Wikipedia.

Because people can put w/e they want on there.


and the rest of the 99% of humanity point down to the ground in mockery of reddit