Is everyone just going back to TBC classic?


No, there’s a difference. You claim to know, I do not claim to know. I know enough to know your claim is not valid, because that’s just not how software development works. You see kid?

I don’t need to know specifics about the code. I know enough to know things don’t work like you think they do.

Now go to bed and let the adults finish talking.

LOL you act like these are first generation code developers learning brand new code for WoW. It must be soooo hard to boost exp for quests… Dang, that must be a real challenge to a add a new spell to a boss. Or break CC to combat boosting.

Ignorant, while claiming to be smart. Cracks me up, Then you’re gonna pull the “he’s on an alt” card when you have 8 posts yourself. :rofl:

Yikes. Keep talking man, this is entertaining.

Keep bumping my thread.

SoM was 0 effort. Fun while the leveling lasted. Very little changes for something that is supposed to be seasonal. Everyone already raid logging.

I doubt it even took a week to get this crap out their butthole. Didn’t even try. I doubt there will be a next season, this was a failure. Enjoy dead servers, Jom activity already dwindling. No transfers, no talk about fixing the issues.

LOL. Lame af.


Guild already went back to Classic TBC. SoM was a really sad situation, they didn’t care to save it with merges and people gave up. I agree that it was really mishandled, I really hope microsoft gets this team in order.

A seasonal vanilla could be really cool with some major changes. but instead they just put in no effort at all.

I’m going to have to disagree here.

I don’t think there was much planning.
Just a bunch of random darts thrown.

Most of the people running the project are not novice coders. This game is old and I really doubt it’s as complicated as you are trying to make it out to be. I’ve seen some amazing stuff just a couple of people can do on a pserver with no money, and little experience with any kind of coding just passion. This company has billions, they added some spells to bosses, boosted exp, and made some changes to fix mage and rogue crap.

If you think that was a major breakthrough and challenge for the team at Blizzard… LOL that was like minimal effort and a quick resub hype grab for a couple months.

Glad I didn’t give SoM much of a chance, I knew it would be this way. People called it way before the servers even launched.

^ this was one of the people that called SoM like they saw it and some listened and some didn’t now people have already wasted 100’s of hours on this… Way more time then Blizzard put into it. Shame, I remember when they cared about their player base. The classic team definitely seemed genuine at first. Now it is just the same. 68 boosts, token, and cash shop coming in LK. Get ready for the Achievement boost spam… and way more people buying gold for that culture :slight_smile: Classic has such a bright future.


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You can almost consider the original DK as a boost itself. No reason they can’t do it again.

None of which are going to hurt LK. If anything, they’ll make it more enticing.

:rofl: I know and he was acting like he shut my thread down.
Saying a week was more of a hyperbole, but I heck I went with it… That is about as much time as it seems they put into it. I cannot believe they didn’t open transfers or start doing merges the minute things start looking grim.

Because they didn’t care.

Post away. I was telling you to stop posting for your benefit because you sound like a fool. As for my argument, checks job title…yep it is still senior software developer like it was last time I checked…it is that I develop software for a living and this “it took a week” timeframe is the kind of thing that does not happen for a project the size of SOM. Period.

You have to say that here, people don’t understand and will take every word you say and use it against you.

Their eye is on the prize with LK classic monetization

^ Because of people like this.

No one cares what your title is. “It took a week” was hyperbole which I should have been clear with but ya know, I like to keep this thread rolling with people like yourself. Gets it more attention.

It’s really not worth it to keep them biting to be honest, The ignore feature is usable for you both if you really cannot play nice. lol

I think you should chill out man, if you are claiming they put a lot of hard work and passion into the SoM project you’re the fool.

Even treating it like hyperbole you are basically saying they didn’t spend much time on the changes which you can take to the bank they spent way more time than you think they did.

Do I think the changes were good choices? Some of them yes. Do I also think they should have gone farther. Definitely. I don’t think this was due to a lack of time dedicated to the project though.

Keeps my thread on the front page, this isn’t my first rodeo honey. I know how the people on these forums work.

Lol, this is exactly what it was? This was 100% bull hype to get people to sub for a couple months. That’s all they wanted. People may clear these raids but that is all they will be doing in SoM. Yay raid logging?

This is exactly what I was saying, and I’m right. SoM was DoA because they didn’t put any time into the changes. :slight_smile:

lel SURE Love when people boast on themselves makes it so obvious they are full of it, probably runs a little company that builds websites using godaddy or wix. “sensior software developer” something printed off online from a 2 hour class and put on their wall.


My sister started her own company doing that. She called herself like Senior Website Developer or something I cannot recall. It actually took off and she still builds websites for people and has learned a lot of coding work taking classes online. Pretty cool stuff. She has never went to college and didn’t finish highschool.