Is everyone just going back to TBC classic?

Well who else would there be?

You can’t really pay for the volume of consumes RLs require if you’re logged out all the time.
That is unless you buy gold, which is welll… cheating so don’t do that.

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How do you pay for your consumes on 4 characters if you raid log?

Well before I started raid logging I banked it all, to be fair this wouldn’t be true with most people but the TBCC consume farm is really fast and easy I found, Classic and definitely, SoM is much more time consuming of a farm. I actually wasn’t planning on raid logging this much but I figured out how bored I was over there and it just happened.

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They are still getting your 15 bucks a month…

SoM feels more like a possible classic+ beta. All they did was raid tweaks and added a few more Mechanics.
As we have literally just seen there is only one hardcore guild that everyone cares to pay attention to. Outside of that no one cares. And those watching just wanna see them die. It’s like nascar of wow. Just there for the crash.
These tweaks are small enough and spaced out between raids to the point I think they are trying to test them for classic+ or wotlk. I never played wotlk and I don’t play som raids so I don’t know if they are the same or totally different.
SoM obviously appealed to a small niche grp, but that’s not a budget driving factor on the grand scheme of things imo. Blizzard was never for the little guy in the room when the big ones have the bigger wallets.
If they did a som2 why would they carry these e mechanics over? It’s a different season, it should have the base game plus season 2 changes not season1
So why spend all this time and money on something scrapped in one year?

Shadowstrike is ftw!


If I were dissatisfied with SoM I would roll a new toon on the most active Classic Era cluster.

Classic TBC makes me hope that Classic WotLK has lvl 70 boosts in the cash shop.

Lmfao, I lold at “just watch to see them die”

I think this accurately reflects the state of SOM lol.

Wow, you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, do you? Tell us you don’t understand how software development works without telling us you don’t know how software development works.

You’re probably right, but I’d love it if you explained exactly how he’s wrong.

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So like retail? A giant never ending beta test?

Sure, but it will be very high level. Firstly, I didn’t write the code, but it doesn’t matter. The project itself is massive, spanning 16+ years of evolution. It’s not the same game as it was. You can look back to their recreation videos to see they had to piece this thing together from very old code. They’re also using a modern client. Making simple “database” changes could have catastrophic implications, breaking interactions elsewhere in the game. Software is a fickle thing. A seemingly innocuous change could create 10 new problems that were not expected. Therefore, proper testing is required. You certainly don’t make a change like this “in a few hours” nor could you release SoM as a “side project in a week”. I mean, come on.

So you don’t know, because you didn’t write the code right? That’s what your fluffed up post says basically.

How do you know it’s not a simple few hour fix? Maybe they wrote the code to be easy to work with?

I don’t know why you think it is impossible for a multi-billion dollar company to make a few changes to the WoW Classic 1.14 client (what ever modernized version it is, definitely not 16 years old)

It’s not like tons of changes were made, I definitely think they were probably made and planned in about a week, pushed onto test servers (you do know we do most of the testing right?) and adjusted from there. It’s not like much effort was put into this.

I think you just wanted a minute to sound smart, which is cool I guess. To assume a code is so fragile to work with after “16+ years” more like 20+ (W3) of development is a little more ignorant than the guy you tried to shut down.

Just my thoughts. I mean you told him,

But your reply was basically IDK because it’s so massive.

Cool, so basically you are just talking out of your butt also?
I mean, come on.

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Play on Jom and get groups but it be aids.

Play on a dead server enjoy leveling and then quit because there’s no groups.

Server balancing via the login screen woulda fixed this entire problem.

Hopefully microsoft decides to make these simple changes so they earn more money.

( I did the reroll event on barman shanker and have succesfully done every dungeon so far )

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I don’t know how long it took for Blizzard to plan, implement, then test SOM changes, but it is guaranteed it was not “in about a week.” Furthermore, there would be several layers of testing (both automatic and manual) that would have been performed before it ever hit the ptr servers.

Seriously, you really sound like someone who doesn’t have a clue how software development (even streamlined software development) works. You should stop talking.

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Black Temple is the biggest raid

I mean the big baddie is on the cover

Yes, this. Nothing really more needs to be said.

I feel like he logged in with his alt with that last response. Clueless.

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I’m gonna post if I want, you can mute me that is an option. You claim to not know either.
So you’re argument is what?

I’m the OP and the one that replied to you. You are just as clueless on this code and how long it took.

So stop trying to sound smart while claiming you don’t know. You’re contradicting yourself kid.