Is ERP tolerated by blizzard?

Moanguard still exists so I would assume Blizzard doesn’t care.

I heard a story once by a guy who had been in a losing bg quite a while back, where he was in his mind blaming afk players, of which there were a few. There were two druids in the corner of the map, so he decided to check them out.

There was a bear and a cat going at it. And then he told us, he heard the one thing he never wanted to hear, which could not be unheard: “You wanna join us?”


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As long it is not any of the global chats.

Athene got banned for it once.

ERP has been 100% okay since 2004. Just keep it to private channels and you’re all good.

You disturb me… but you’ll do.

Hope you don’t mind casual cannibalism in the bedroom.

Roll on Moon Guard, go to the Wayfarer’s Rest Inn in Silvermoon City, second floor. You will find your ladies there.

As long as you aren’t making the post in public what you are doing, it should be fine. Even if you and the other person are naked ((at least showing all your gear removed)) and doing it, there really isn’t anything wrong with doing it unless you are posting any of it in public chat.

The thing is, you are putting yourself at risk though if you make any kind of comments where the other person reports you for what you said, you could be hit for it.

Extremely unlikely, as non-automated reporting systems are human reviewed and looked at holistically to take the entire situation into account. If someone consents to ERP and then reports your whispers, nothing will happen because they’re trying to manipulate/abuse the report feature.

i assume its fine until one party reports the other?

if the ERP is good nobody will think about reporting :wink:

idk about the consent thing since things can escalate past your consent zone pretty fast out of nowhere heh.

i don’t know that part of the game very well but there surely is someone out there with stories about ERPers getting muted/banned? idk.

Maybe, maybe not. We don’t know those rules till someone has it done and is willing to speak out about it.

My point is. If you do it, go in knowing that there could be a possible chance that if they report it, you could be hit.

That someone is me. I ERPed with someone years ago who lied about their identity and then collected 3 days worth of explicit whisper logs and tried to report me for it. This person ended up getting a 3-day vacation and I got nothing. Blizzard has been clear about their policy regarding ERP in the past. It’s 100% okay when kept to private channels and 100% not okay in public channels. If someone sends you explicit messages against your will, you absolutely can report them and they will be actioned. If you consent and try to report them, Blizzard may punish you for trying to abuse the report function.

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Is that the Cosby suite thing, I always wondered how many current staff and developers escaped punishment for all that…


all the smart ones i assume :wink: being in that picture wasnt smart that’s for sure lol

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As long as its not in public(except goldshire) yes. But most people ignore erp’rs, they aren’t bothering anyone.

Originally they tried to ban people in goldshire on Moonguard flooding it for ERP, but they couldn’t keep up so they gave up and just let them be.

Imagine calling someone a weirdo because they do something you don’t like…chill out dude. And no thats incorrect. Read above.

I am pretty sure this is just life.

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It was contained there

As long as they keep it to group/whisper/places-no-one-but-them-can-see-it chat then yeah. Can’t report ERP if you don’t see it. Personally fine if people wanna do it themselves but yeah, they need to keep it to themselves lol