Is ED still the place to be?

Let me prepare you for a culture shock.

WRA and MG you see walkup everywhere. ED you will only find it if you initiate it. That being said as a former WRA player (over 8 years ago) I really do enjoy this realm even if it has gone through mega changes in the past 3-4 years. RP community is much smaller than it once was, but most of us know each other now.

World RP - if you mean like out in current zones, you can pretty much find it if you start it. Or if you know where certain RP guilds like to hang out (such as ashen vale hang out in feralas, kul tiras marines and sea doggos in boralas, Coldridge Company is usually out in a zone depending on where our current RP campaign is (wm on ofcourse)

Emerald dream is all a matter of knowing where to look which is easy once you get into one of the discords. We donā€™t really use the forums much as, ED is drama mongering and twitter and discord is much more fun to be evil in.

I suggest this to most people who look at ED, please make a few trial characters, attend a few events, and see if you jive with anyone or any particular guilds before moving here. While I only have praise for the realm, cause it is my type of place, it is not for everyone.

Good Luck Lalathil! Wherever you go.


Nope on World RP, most stuff is within guilds or the respective rp communities
Edit: 1 second before acialga posted darn, it is pretty much initiating it now with the much smaller community. Quality is there though.


I would say it thrives more on alliance side but horde is slowly making a come up. Though on horde it seems to stay more in guild and more tight knit groups who rp.

Horde currently is working on building up RP guilds that donā€™t vanish in a month or so. Hopefully we can continue that and the Horde RP community can thrive as the alliance one day.


Beat ya! Lol

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We need to work on getting more folks to RP in Orgrimmar and Stormwind.
With that said, it is harder to do so when our current content is not in our capitals.

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You miss it when itā€™s gone.


This is very trueā€¦ for many of us, most of our RP isnā€™t on lowbie alts hanging around in the capitals, itā€™s in current content where sharding makes it difficult to have spontenous encounters with strangers. Consequently, it tends to be with people in our own guilds or friends within the community.

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hey thanks all for responding but I decided Iā€™m just going to hold out for classic to re-ignite my passion but you all are good honest people and I donā€™t say that lightly those are good traits

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I thought the RP realms didnā€™t have rampant sharding like the other realmsā€¦I was hoping to move to an RP realm to escape it :frowning:

:unamused: Iā€™m sorry to burst your bubble but sharding is very very rampant on ED due to high or full pop

That stinks. I was hoping to find that pre BfA/Legion feeling where youā€™d actually see people from YOUR realm when you were out questing and such.

Sadly no. A lot of times we have to invite guildies to groups just so we are all on the same shards for our RP.

I rarely see guildies around but when I do itā€™s a pleasant surprise so I guess thatā€™s a plus lol


Also want to mention many if the comments are from rpers who stay with warmode on. I do not know if it is different for those with it off.