i q arenas 3 days a week and those are my days off during the week im just to exhausted to do anything so i just afk
I’m usually once a week. Twice at best. Though I don’t typically feel too tired, I can sympathize though. How many wins are you at?
just 8/50 lol i might finish the rest this weekend maybe
You are confused.
Ah okay haha. Well good luck. If you want a boomy, hit me up
lmaooooo never change big doze, never change
Need. Get out of my bracket.
Also, hell yeah duelist is good, wtf?
Hmm, kinda weird that your name isn’t a derivative of Convoke. I know most Druids use a variation of that and they have played Balance for 10s of weeks.
According to these forums you’re trash unless you got gladiator 15 years ago with a non meta comp while walking uphill both ways to stormwind.
But yea, duelist is dope man. I felt good with every new title I got, don’t listen to anyone else telling you any different.
I don’t post here often anymore, but can we all collectively please get Dozer removed from the forums? I still read a lot, and he is CONSTANTLY being a troll. I’m baffled that nothing has been done to correct his actions.
Anyone like to queue 2s or 3s and push my first Duelist in many years? End of season shortly and I know some of y’all on Alliance are bored!
?? I’m not NF and have mained boomy for years. Not sure what you’re getting at lol.
I’m just joking.
Haha guys I was just trolling haha
It’s crazy that you identify with your in-game character IRL Kennie. Pretty disgusting and odd.
If you improve at the game, learn new techniques, enjoy your time, and feel that you are spending your money for worthwhile entertainment and mental catharsis – Yes. Whatever rank you reach is great. Striving to improve is even better. Ranks and rewards might shift a little over time if you compare between seasons or yourself to larger pools of players… But why care what other people think? You set your own goals after all
Edit: Oh shoot! This is a response to a Necro Shorry.
But yeah, I stand by my point. Play for fun. I saw a great video this week along the lines of “WoW PvP - You’re better than you think”, pointing out the obvious (deliberate!) confusion out there regarding how game data sites display rating distribution.
Why are you Necro’ing something from 3 years ago and responding in an unrelated manner to someone’s post?
Very not cash money of you.
He seems to have some personal vendetta against kennie lol
Ya, not sure where it came from.
As far as I can tell:
Kennie said that coms weren’t that important for 2v2 and laz said he farmed kennie. Kennie asked for proof and laz never provided. Since then, Laz really hasn’t liked him.
Just goes to show that some people cannot let things go. Imagine whose mind you’re still stuck in, like a kernel between their molars.